…or maybe it didn’t. The pictures and the documentation is now back, but every time I try to actually compile a game, I get:
/home/neroden/programming/inform-build/inform7-ide/_install/usr/local/libexec/inform7-ide/inform7 \
-internal /home/neroden/programming/inform-build/inform7-ide/_install/usr/local/share/inform7-ide -format=Inform6/32d -project /home/neroden/programming/inform-projects/Secondary Scratchpad.inform
Inform 7 v10.1.0 has started.
inform7: fatal error: cannot find kit 'BasicInformKit'
Checking out the _install folder, I find
Exists but there are no files in it.
I find the same problem: the directories for the kits are all there, but they’re empty.
Apparently they didn’t get installed / copied with make forceintegration
Update: I think I may have figured this out. make forceintegration was stating:
sh: 1: rsync: not found
sh: 1: rsync: not found
sh: 1: rsync: not found
sh: 1: rsync: not found
sh: 1: rsync: not found
After installing rsync, it seems to be copying over correctly.
Either the dependency on rsync should be documented or it should be eliminated. This appears to be an Inform 7 issue.