Hi all,
I’m a student at University of Amsterdam and currently, I’m researching the ways to improve authoring experience of Interactive Digital Narrative creators.
I’ve already reached out to the community earlier for gathering information about how you folks plan for your stories.
Now I’ve built my prototype and would be extremely grateful if I can hold interviews with some of you and hear what you think about the idea and proposed solution.
I’m planning to spend the whole day on Saturday 1st of June (Amsterdam time) and talk via Zoom to whomever has time Let me know if you’re open to join and I send you the link (I’ll also record the audio since I’ll have to transcribe and code it)!
In the meantime, I’ve also compiled a short questionnaire (with a very long introduction though, sorry for that), so you can give me some remote feedback as well. It would be great if some of you can fill it in: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3Ad-mA0YtJfuFHYGO1b5TJTAJ0puJ4MafSRI-7LXyS6M61g/viewform?usp=sf_link
Thanks a lot a lot a lot for your time.
Enjoy your evening!