NGL this wigged me out so much in one of the Tumblr IF servers because someone was complaining about how all IF is the same tropes over and over again, and I suggested to look for different things on the IFDB and they were like “never heard of that”
So in honor of them:
You think all IF has customizable PCs and romanceable companions and you’re bored of it
And in honor of someone else on that server:
You think all IF has customizable PCs and romanceable companions so you have to give a disclaimer on your game that doesn’t have either which apologizes for the absence
You found a company seeking to revive the long-dead genre of parser fiction, because if you loved Spellbreaker that much, there just has to be an untapped market waiting for more.
I love mazes. I still type LIST before I try INVENTORY. I type XYZZY as my first command. I never play any text adventure with pictures. I wince at dreadful grammar and lazy spelling. I prefer puzzles over plot.