They are indeed. I thought about doing what you just asked about, then thought “Ah, I’ll just send what people are talking about now. If I prompt people, they’ll come up with suggestions, but that’s what Mantis is for; the idea of this endeavour is to see what comes up naturally, to get a real feel for what people are actually actively in need of”.
I expect to over/under-report for a while, until I get the hang of what’s actually worth reporting! So although in my post I did say “bugs people are finding critical”, I kinda extended my scope a bit. There just isn’t that much that’s critical to report, quantity-wise! It’s just that the stuff there is is crucial to a number of people, so it gets more focus.
I also decided against the dedicated thread I mentioned I could do. There just isn’t enough volume to justify it at this point, maybe in the future.
What follows, in the rant tag, is the e-mail I sent Emily Short, verbatim, minus some basic formatting.
[rant]Hello there! I suppose this has sort of been agreed upon, so I went over the posts made in March and am sending you the things that may concern the I7 dev team that crop up on the board.
I’ll probably also include stuff that isn’t really relevant; in that case, just let me know. I prefer to have too much stuff in than miss out on anything. If something also starts to come up on the board that may be a known issue with no plans to be fixed (like the colour support in Glulx, which involves a redesign of Glulx rather than anything I7 specific)… then I’ll also bring it up. Because if it’s important enough that people keep talking about it, then it may be of a higher-priority than one would think!
Right then.
vlaviano took a very in-depth look at what goes on behind the scenes when the player’s command is “x my arms” and such. It all goes way over my head, and ends with the following:
“TL;DR: “my” doesn’t work in Inform 7 for things that are part of the player, because they aren’t children of the player object. I7 should also consider component_parent == selfobj when parsing “my”.”
The second sentence is the one I thought might be useful to bring to your attention. It doesn’t mean much to me, but looks like a suggestion that no one else commented on, and it had a lot of thought behind it.
(probably definitely in the “over-reporting” cathegory, but I won’t know unless I report!)
It came up and went unanswered that a certain rule, the “carrying requirements rule”, was not coming up when using the test command RULES ALL. A J Mako said “Internal rules apparently aren’t mentioned.”, mikegentry said “Yeah, that’s weird. I don’t know why the carrying requirements rule isn’t declared.”, and that’s as far as it went. Since the RULES ALL command is usually eveyone’s first port of call to find out why things are not working the way they want it to work…
(in this particular case, the OP wanted to reorder some rules so that his custom messages for “You can’t wear a person” actually fired; because by default it never gets to that stage, being stopped by an implicit take “You can’t take that”)
…this small incident may not be much of an issue, or it may be a point in which things could be made clearer in the manual.
Or maybe, you know, the rule actually WAS supposed to list on RULES ALL and it doesn’t and it’s such a small thing no one bothered.
The relevant last posts are
Upon using “showme me”, mikegentry got a very concise, clear and readable list, except for a long line that said:
“singular-named, proper-named, unmarked for special listing; unlit, inedible, portable, examined, nearby, relevant, disclosed, inflammable; female, awake”.
It didn’t seem to refer to anything, and seemed to mix “properties an object can have, (…) properties a thing can have [and] are properties a person can have.” (matt w). It also caused zero impact on the game overall. But it’s something that made people curious and also went unanswered.
Finally, the big one. We can start this thread at:
The bugfix site says at that the issue causing I7 not to run on Macs is fixed, though an actual usable Mac version containing this fix hasn’t been released. Teaspoon has been told to contact the Mac IDE maintainer, but no one could tell him how.
Natrium729 says, and this is something that comes up with lots of sighing in non-English communities occasionally, that 6M62 remains “completely broken for non-English projects (the infamous parse tree broken error”. This is a big one. I really do occasionally see people lamenting it in other communities - they’re completely locked out of 6M62.
tinman brings up the issue where the screen is partially obscured when resizing a panel, which persists though it’s considered “resolved”. May also be a matter of contacting the Mac IDE maintainer, I suppose.
—> And this last one is the one you replied to, and the point where I offered to do this, so we’re pretty much caught up <–
Vlaviano brings up the issue where 6M62 crashes on startup, fixed but not shipped and effectively preventing him from using (and testing) 6M62. He makes a good point when he says:
"I realize that the overall impact of a bug is a weighted product of severity * frequency over the entire userbase, and not many people are still running Snow Leopard. For me individually, though, severity is critical and frequency is always. It would have been nice to have seen a bugfix release as soon as that fix went in.
The situation also has addon effects like my withholding bug reports because I can’t repro a bug on the latest release because I can’t run the latest release."
Again, you already replied to this one. I’m just putting it here because I don’t want to miss anything.[/rant]
EDIT - BTW, I’ll see if she replies to vlavliano’s latest post. If she doesn’t I’ll e-mail her in a few days - since it’s a fix that didn’t actually get fixed, I’m not sure it’d be a good thing to wait a whole month.