Free IF Playoffs (Rules/FAQ/Standings)

I had an idea for a March Madness-style “playoffs” thread for the 64 highest-placed works of IF that are available for free, where “highest-placed” means according to the IFDB Top 100 chart today.

The contest would be handled as a series of votes between randomly-matched works within that group over the course of six rounds, with the primary intent being to encourage play of and discussion of the games involved.

Does this sound fun to you? Would you be interested in participating?
  • Yes, that sounds fun, and I would participate!
  • No, thank you.
0 voters

Ah mine doesn’t make the cutoff :pensive: that’s ok! This sounds fun!


OK – the ayes have it!

Here are the ground rules:

  1. Everyone is invited to participate.
  2. All voting will be anonymous.
  3. Voters are honor-bound to have at least tried both games in a given matchup before voting. If you haven’t played some of these, now’s your chance!
  4. Voters are encouraged to make a case in favor of their chosen winner, pointing out its relative merits versus its opponent.
  5. Voters are not encouraged to make a case against the unchosen opponent – let’s stick to the positive and steer clear of fan brawls.

I’ve put together the ladder via sort by random number. To provide some structure, every game has been placed into one of four “divisions,” each of which contains sixteen games. They are as follows (listed alphabetically, along with seed number):

DIVISION 1 (Round 1 complete / Round 2 begins Jul 05 2024)

And Then You Come to a House Not Unlike the Previous One (#40)
Birdland (#29)
City of Secrets (#36)
Cryptozookeeper (#43)
Dr Ludwig and the Devil (#30)
Excalibur (#54)
The Impossible Bottle (#13)
Junior Arithmancer (#15)
A Long Way to the Nearest Star (#20)
Lost Pig (#11)
Midnight. Swordfight. (#34)
Of Their Shadows Deep (#55)
Superluminal Vagrant Twin (#3)
Suveh Nux (#62)
The Wizard Sniffer (#5)
Zozzled (#38)

DIVISION 2 (Round 1 matches ongoing now)

Absence of Law (#26)
According to Cain (#39)
Beautiful Dreamer (#61)
A Beauty Cold and Austere (#10)
Blue Lacuna (#22)
Chlorophyll (#50)
Coloratura (#17)
Counterfeit Monkey (#1)
Eat Me (#8)
Foo Foo (#46)
The Gostak (#19)
The Lurking Horror II: The Lurkening (#58)
The Shadow in the Cathedral (#63)
Turandot (#42)
Weird City Interloper (#41)
Worldsmith (#4)


The Axolotl Project (#45)
Cannery Vale (#32)
Inside the Facility (#51)
Magical Makeover (#57)
Repeat the Ending (#28)
Slouching Toward Bedlam (#52)
The Spectators (#60)
Spider and Web (#27)
Spy Intrigue (#25)
Stay? (#18)
Sub Rosa (#48)
Toby’s Nose (#9)
Violet (#24)
The Weight of a Soul (#59)
Will Not Let Me Go (#7)
With Those We Love Alive (#56)


4x4 Archipelago (#44)
Alias ‘The Magpie’ (#16)
Anchorhead (#2)
Bronze (#37)
Cragne Manor (#6)
Digital: A Love Story (#64)
Endless, Nameless (#31)
Harmonia (#47)
The Impossible Stairs (#53)
Known Unknowns (#21)
Make It Good (#33)
The Mulldoon Legacy (#35)
Photopia (#49)
Savoir-Faire (#12)
Treasures of a Slaver’s Kingdom (#23)
Worlds Apart (#14)

Since the first round is the largest, it will be broken up by division.

Note that because only free games are included in the contest, the following games with high placement have been excluded: 80 Days, Hadean Lands, Open Sorcery, Trinity, Planetfall, Sorcery! 2, Sunless Sea, A Study in Steampunk, Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One, Eric the Unready, A Mind Forever Voyaging, Choice of Robots, Tally Ho, and Enchanter. If I’ve accidentally included any non-free game, it will be replaced by another qualifying game from the Top 100 list.

Let the games begin!

NOTE: I won’t be running a pool, but if someone wants to try to organize one, that seems to be in the spirit of this sort of thing. At the very least it might be amusing to predict the various division winners that will become the Final Four.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: FIFP Round 1, Division 1 (Voting/Fan Choice Commentary)


Q: How long will each set of matchups last?

A: One week, but possibly less than that once the Final Four have been reached.

Q: Just a week? But there are so many of these games that I haven’t played!

A: I know – I haven’t played the majority of them, either! It’s expected that, participating by the rules and in good faith, many people will have to skip voting on certain matchups in early rounds.

Q: How many rounds will there be?

A: Six, but early rounds will take more than one week each. (See the question about the overall schedule below.)

Q: But why not give more time for each round?

A: There’s a practical limit to how much time can be granted for each segment. Here’s the deal:

  • It’s 64 games in a single elimination tournament. That requires 63 individual matchups.
  • The idea is to promote play and discussion, but also to keep things moving relatively quickly to keep up a “March Madness” feel.

Q: But I can’t finish all those games in one week!

A: This is why the rule is that voters should have tried each game in a matchup before voting on it. It’s not required that you complete the game or spend a minimum amount of time with it as with IF Comp. It is suggested that you focus first on games that you haven’t played which are matched against games that you have played.

Q: What exactly do you mean by “trying” a game?

A: I mean that you approach the game with an open mind, give it an honest shot to hook you, and explore it long enough to get a feel for how much you like it. It’s up to you to decide how long that takes. This is an honor system, so be honorable.

Q: What will the schedule be?

A: The plan is to run at most 8 matchups at a time in segments lasting 1 week each. That means the 32 matchups of round 1 (across the 4 divisions) will end on July 05. The next two weeks will also feature rounds of 8 matchups each, but these will combine two divisions at a time and end July 19. Next will be a single week of 8 matchups (2 from each division) ending Jul 26. At that point there will be a week for the divisional finals, i.e. one last matchup per division (4 matchups total) to produce a Final Four on Aug 02.

If, as I expect, most people will have had a chance to play all of the Final Four, then there will probably be two three-day rounds to finish out the tournament. It should be wrapped up by mid-August in any case.

Q: Am I supposed to vote just for the game that I like, or the one that I feel is objectively the better game?

A: You’re supposed to vote for the game that you think is the better of a pair, using whatever criteria you think apply – but the rules require that you have at least tried both games in any matchup for which you cast a vote. (See the question about trying games above.)

Q: I want to vote on Game X in a matchup and I’ve never played Game Y with which it is matched. How do I resolve this conundrum?

A: Start playing Game Y!

Q: That’s all I do? Just play and vote?

A: You are also encouraged to post the reasons why you made the decision that you did, or just to share your positive impressions of any work that you try. Lots of people won’t have played the games that you choose. Getting people to try new games is one of the main points, so show your appreciation and win new fans by “talking up” your selections. (See the ground rules on discussing games. The short version is: “Stick to the positive, and avoid fan brawls.”)

Q: One of my works is on this list, but I don’t think I want it to be. What can I do?

A: The fact that your work was chosen for the tournament means that it is among the top 1/2 of 1% of all games listed in IFDB in terms of registered ratings. That’s quite an honor! Also, this “competition” is entirely for fun. If you really wish to withdraw one or more of your games, let me know by post or DM, and I will honor your request by registering forfeit(s) in the relevant matchup(s).

Q: Can I vote in favor of my own work?

A: If you have tried your work’s opponent and honestly feel that yours is the better of the pair, then it is entirely in keeping with the rules to do so. Your opinion counts as much as anyone’s!

Q: I, um… I kind of got excited and registered some votes before I even read the rules. What can I do?

A: Fear not! There is still time to salvage your honor by trying the games that you haven’t played. (See the question about trying games above.) If you’ve given the opponent games a proper go and haven’t changed your mind, then you can rest easy that you have respected the rules and made the whole tournament better. If you have changed your mind, change your vote!

Q: I don’t understand the rule about avoiding criticism in posts about my match selections. Please explain.

A: Think about it this way: Anything you say is implicitly expressing an inequality between Game X and Game Y. As a matter of courtesy to other fans and in the spirits of community-building and friendly competition, it’s not too much to ask that you express things in terms of “greater than” instead of “less than.” A sporting match is much more fun when both sides are cheering than when both sides are booing.

If you have criticism to share with the world, you are encouraged to register at IFDB, add your ratings to the games there, and even post negative reviews. Extensive criticism is a valid and important part of the tradition of free IF; this just isn’t the venue for it.

Q: When will the voting close for each match period?

A: Voting will close sometime circa Saturday evening each week, per UTC time. The precise time will not be announced and is likely to vary significantly depending on my schedule on those days, but I will wait until at least noon UTC in any case. Late votes will not be accepted – when the whistle blows, the match is over!

Q: What if there is a tie between two games in a match?

A: Based on the early response, there should be enough votes that this is an unlikely outcome. However, should any tie occur, I will flip a coin to declare an arbitrary winner. Fans backing a particular game in a close contest are free to recruit others to play by the rules and in good faith before the match period is over. Remember: This is an honor system, so be honorable. This is only for fun!

Q: How were these games chosen for the tournament?

A: Contestant games were chosen based on the state of the IFDB Top 100 list according to its status on June 7, 2024. Any game that was not officially free to play as of that date was disqualified from the competition. Due to these eliminations, the lowest-ranked qualifying entry was in 78th place at the start of the tournament.

Q: Hey! I only just found out about this and missed the beginning!

A: I’m glad that you want to participate – your rules-abiding, good faith votes will help make the tournament better for everyone. This whole thing was pretty spur-of-the-moment, so there was no organized attempt at publicity in advance. The good news is that it will be going for some time, so you’ll get plenty of chance to play in future segments. (See the question about the schedule above.) There’s almost certainly time for you to try new games and get in a few votes before the end of the current segment.


This post will have the updated status of all division ladders as we go.


Just curious: what about ties?

I’ve updated the FAQ above.

1 Like

Division 1 Round 1 has successfully concluded, and the results are in (see above). Let’s review the action:

  • Heavyweight Superluminal Vagrant Twin brushed aside a challenge from Excalibur, justifying its position as the #3 seed for the tournament. A strong showing of crowd support in the bleachers for the experimental wiki-format challenger’s bid against the highest-seeded work in this segment didn’t translate into the points needed to win, but author J. J. Guest’s work will be seen again when Alias, ‘The Magpie’ competes in Division 4.

  • And Then You Come to a House Not Unlike the Previous One substantially outperformed opponent Zozzled despite both being IF Comp winners with similar seed rankings (#40 and #38 respectively). As Zozzled retires from the field, another contestant by author Steph Cherrywell, Chlorophyll, begins its first match in Division 2.

  • Lost Pig defeated Suveh Nux in a crowd-drawing matchup that received over 70% more votes than any other. The two Inform 6 entries each put over 10 points on the board in a blistering first half, but by the halftime mark #62 seed challenger Suveh Nux had lost an early lead against its #11 seed rival, and it was never quite able to recover in the second half. Suveh Nux was author David Fisher’s only contestant in the tournament, but it can retire from the field honorably after having scored more points than the winner of any other match in this segment.

  • The Impossible Bottle beat A Long Way to the Nearest Star in one of the quieter matches of the segment. Both games started strong, but after a streak of early scores by the #13 seed Dialog entry, the winner of the Rising Star award in IF Comp 2022 (as well as both the Player’s Choice and Author’s Choice awards for Outstanding Debut in the inaugural 2022 IFDB Awards) wasn’t able to move the needle for the remainder of the match. All eyes turned to match 08, where SV Linwood’s other entry was competing simultaneously.

  • 55th seed Of Their Shadows Deep pulled off the first significant upset in the tournament, knocking 29th seed Birdland (winner of no less than six XYZZY awards in 2015) out of the tournament in another relatively quiet match after team manager Amanda Walker opted to keep it in play. The short but powerful work has won new fans among the crowd, notably climbing in its IFDB rankings per the June 10 update. Author Brendan Patrick Hennessy’s work will be seen again in Division 4, when Known Unknowns takes the field.

  • #5 seed The Wizard Sniffer, the other heavyweight in this segment, barely fended off a strong challenge by City of Secrets. The #36 seed Inform 6 work punched above its weight in its contest against the 2017 IF Comp champion and winner of five XYZZY awards, and held its own through a vigorous first half that ended at a tie score of 6-6. However, in the second half the crowd-pleasing porcine comedy scored twice more, deciding the match. Emily Short has the most entries of any single author in this tournament, so rest assured that there will be more to see from this leading light in the field – including top seed Counterfeit Monkey, which is currently competing in Division 2.

  • 15th seed Junior Arithmancer eked out a win against 43rd seed challenger Cryptozookeper in a contest that pit pure logic against a multimedia-enhanced horror comedy. Author Robb Sherwin’s only entry and the lone Hugo entry in the tournament, Cryptozookeeper started strong but lost ground slowly and was eventually surpassed by the number-manipulation puzzlefest. We salute its performance as leaves the field.

  • Finally, Dr. Ludwig and the Devil vs. Midnight. Swordfight. turned out to be a dynamic and close battle between two similarly-ranked contestants (#30 and #34 seeds, respectively). After tying at 7-7 in the third quarter, neither was able to put another point on the board, and the match was resolved by coin toss with victory declared for Midnight. Swordfight.. The winner will go on to face Of Their Shadows Deep in what total scores suggest might become another close match. [See below.] Unfortunately, this randomized decision means that both works by highly versatile and accomplished author SV Linwood have been eliminated from the tournament, but we salute the fact that Linwood is unique in having 100% of published work selected to compete in this best-of-the-best lineup.

[EDIT: Midnight. Swordfight. will be facing The Wizard Sniffer in Round 2, not Of Their Shadows Deep. We apologize for any confusion caused by the error; the technical difficulty has been traced to a temporary caffeine deficiency.]