ZX Spectrum Crap Games Competition

I found this interesting.

SIM City: The Text Adventure sounds like fun to me!


That is absolutely brilliant! Thanks for the heads up.


Fantastic! This is incredibly nostalgic for me as I was reading Your Sinclair at the very period of Advanced Lawnmower Simulator and I did own a copy of Cassette 50 (ā€œ50 Fantastic Games On One Cassetteā€ [all of them complete bollocks]). And who knew Rich Pelley now writes for The Guardian?

Lovely to hear that the ZX Spectrum community is alive and well, and continuing to play to the machineā€™s strengths in creating games that are (quite often, and with the warmest affection) just a little bit crapā€¦

Thanks for posting!


Sim City Text isnā€™t crap. They actually implemented The Sims in text, which is mostly grind, and they found out that the grind is fun!

And the line between good and crap is a thin one. I remember coding Snake and Ladder game. All text, but thatā€™s all you need. It only took me less than 10 minutes all told, done in 1 pass. No bug!

Then I run it, and the program asked for number of players. I typed in ā€œ4ā€. Then the program ran through the game and announced the winner ā€œPlayer 2 wins!ā€, in a flash because I forgot to pause during the dice rolling sequence.

Thatā€™s obviously no good, but it became good once I put in the prompt for each players to roll the dice manually. :game_die::game_die:


Not necessarily that off topicā€¦ there are plenty of text adventures that have been entered in to past competitions. :slight_smile:

I wrote one for a past competition. It was called Mirror Mirrorā€¦ the ā€œcrapnessā€ was in the key game mechanicā€¦ something that I thought would be incredibly irritating and annoyingā€¦ Then the challenge was trying to implement it in an interesting way in a game that was just the right length that it wouldnā€™t outstay its welcome. I almost went too far and was in danger of making the least crap gameā€¦ nobody wants to do that and then have to host the next yearā€™s competition. :slight_smile:

Itā€™s playable using the ā€œplay onlineā€ link on this pageā€¦


That was quite fun. If you donā€™t mind, a small bug report:


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