Z-machines for various 8-bit platforms

Referring to Fujinet. Your earlier mention of the P112 is the first I’d heard of it!

Oh. The P122 is a CP/M computer in its own right. Users interact with it using an rs232 serial terminal or a terminal program on a modern computer. I made and sold these as kits until the super-IO chips got too hard to find.


The P112, correct me if I am wrong, does support CP/M. I think I saw videos of it running CP/M 2.2 so I strongly believe that with some magic from @sijnstra, he could make his brilliant VEZZA interpreter run on it. Am I right? :smiley:

Your assumption is correct. There is no other 8-bit interpreter that supports UNDO.

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Zym does, but that’s a pretty niche example. Saving state for UNDO normally just takes too much memory and CPU time to be worth it on 8-bit.


Well Ozmoo is a niche example too. It uses the extra RAM and crazy-fast DMA copy support provided by a Ram Expansion Unit (REU) or, if necessary, the decent CPU speed and RAM amount provided by the C128. On a Plus/4 or a vanilla C64, there’s no sensible way to provide this functionality.



Everything in this thread, really everything on this entire domain is “pretty niche.”


It’s niches all the way down.


The P122 runs CP/M 2.2, 3, and zsdos among others

I do know that Vezza has successfully run on the P112. I do believe it has no built in video capability/terminal, so it’s a matter of which terminal are you using. I would imagine most people are using something that is VT100 compatible. There’s a straight up VT100 build as well as a 16 colour ANSI build available which should do the trick nicely.