It would also be nice if unit tests could be created for any of these issues. I’ll very happily receive pull requests for Praxix for non-UI/interactive stuff, though we should probably make a new one for UI/interactive stuff. Clipping would be an easy thing to test, just print “should not be visible” after a screen’s-width of spaces.
On wrapping/clipping, section 8 says only the following:
In Versions 3 to 5, text buffering is never active in the upper window (even if a game begins printing there without having turned it off).
Some ports of ITF apply buffering (i.e. word-wrapping) and scrolling to the upper window, with unfortunate consequences. This is why the standard Inform status line is one character short of the width of the screen.
I read this as saying that the problem is with word wrapping more than character wrapping, though you’re probably right that clipping is the best option of all.
@cas Yeah I don’t think it would be possible with Glk/HTML to have input wrap.