Would someone be willing to help me with my code?

I can’t find what’s wrong with it.
Here’s the code:
(if: $FirstGoblinAlive “true”) (set: $GoblinTrust to it + 25) (set: $description to “The first goblin you ever met arrives and states that when you first fought, you sparred him!”)
(if: not $FirstGoblinAlive “false”)(set: $GoblinTrust to it - 50) (set: $description to “A crying goblin arrives, they state that you killed their friend.”)

This looks like an inadvertent double negative. I suspect that removing the ‘not’ will improve it.

IOW, both…


…resolve to the same truth value.

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There are a number of syntax errors in your example:

1: Your (if:) macro calls include String value arguments (“true” and “false”) that have no meaning without a comparison operator of some sort.
eg. If the $FirstGoblinAlive variable contains a String value like “true” then the syntax for the comparison look something like…

(if: $FirstGoblinAlive is "true")[ variable equals String "true" ]
(if: $FirstGoblinAlive is "false")[ variable equals String "false" ]

However the naming of the $FirstGoblinAlive variable, and the usage of the not operator in the 2nd comparison, seems to imply that a Boolean value (true or false) is stored in it. In which case the String values should not be there.

2: Your (if:) macro calls need an associated Hook, to contain the content that will be processed when the macro’s conditional expression evaluates to true.

3: In the situation where you want something to occur for both possible values of a Boolean variable, you can use an (else:) macro instead of a 2nd (if:) macro.

If I’m correct that the $FirstGoblinAlive variable contains either Boolean true or false, then the following may achieve the outcome you wanted.
(untested code example)

	(if: $FirstGoblinAlive)[
		(set: $GoblinTrust to it + 25) 
		(set: $description to "The first goblin you ever met arrives and states that when you first fought, you sparred him!")
		(set: $GoblinTrust to it - 50)
		(set: $description to "A crying goblin arrives, they state that you killed their friend.")


Thanks this fixed my problem!