Wolfbiter reviews IFComp 2023 (latest: finished with reviews, wrap-up thoughts)

All Hands by Natasha Ramotaur

TLDR: Atmospheric, evocative story about an uncanny encounter on the high seas.

Gamemechanical notes: Choice based (texture). Multiple endings based on player choices. No save or undo.

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  • I liked the environmental storytelling aspect, for example, we learn from the player character’s reminisces about how the sea is a malevolent magical force

  • I also enjoyed the focus on music as a game element, particularly how you can “take” music and later have it in your inventory

  • It was fun to creep around the ship, investigate, and collect clues

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  • the Texture interface sometimes led to some odd pairings, like I think once I had to “reflect” on a doll to examine it but I had to “take” to read a diary. But it’s easy enough to work out in context

  • I’m not a big fan of games where there is exactly one impactful choice in the game, and it’s on the last screen, and if you want to see the other endings you have to replay the entire game again.