Wolfbiter reviews IFComp 2023 (latest: finished with reviews, wrap-up thoughts)

My Brother; The Parasite by qrowscant

TLDR: Moody, horror-esque story about the player character exploring her complicated relationship with her brother.

Gamemechanical notes: Choice based. I only played once but it felt like there was just one main path.

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  • This game really summoned a lot of complicated, unsettled feelings in me. It definitely was successfully in evoking an emotional reaction. I don’t know how to portray this in a review but it was a very engaging and, at times cathartic, experience.

  • Well written. The short, descriptive sentences are effective at making it feel immediate and compelling.

  • I enjoyed the art design and illustrations. The art, combined with the at times psychedelic backgrounds, rare timed text, and the need to click different places, all did make it feel more interactive for a game without very many paths.

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  • I felt like I didn’t successfully deduce everything I was supposed to about the past between the player character and the brother.

  • I spent some of the game trying to figure out if putting the parasite in dead people is something that they do to everyone in this universe, or if the brother was special (they wanted to investigate cause of death? Involvement with military?). I think maybe the word “handler” in particular kept me thinking it was going to be plot-relevant.