Why can't i get into CYOA or restricted parser games?

Puzzles, I think, benefit from a feeling of originating the solution yourself; the best puzzle games try to make the players feel smart for solving the puzzle, “on their own.” Point-and-click adventures can undermine that feeling by enumerating the options (IMO regardless of whether they’re P&C text adventures or P&C graphical adventures).

But if you’re designing a puzzleless game, there’s much less to be gained from the parser and a lot more drawbacks. Authors can enumerate options on the screen to offer the player actions that would be infeasible in a parser game, especially options that are wildly different from turn to turn, options that take weird/unknown amounts of time, and social actions. (There’s a reason many parser games fall back to a choice-based or restricted-parser interface for NPC dialogue.)

So, if you love puzzles, you may be let down by restricted-parser games, choice-based games, or anything P&C.