Inform 7 extensions
Public Library
Of the 10.1 IDE’s, automatically downloading from the Public Library only works in Windows; it’s currently broken in the Mac and Linux IDE’s. You could still manually download and use an extension, e.g., by creating a directory named ‘Gavin Lambert’ under ‘Extensions’ under your project’s materials directory and then copying Enterable Underside-v2.i7x there.
The 10.1 Public Library (primarily intended to be accessed through the IDE, but avaliable on the web via that link)
- Stable, tested versions of extensions compatible with the current version of Inform 7.
The 9.3/6M62 Inform 7 Public Library used by older versions of the IDE apps is still present. (There isn’t a way to configure the old or new IDEs to point to a particular place; the Public Library values are predefined.) Many extensions here have more recent versions (but still made for and compatible with 9.3/6M62); for those look to…
Friends of I7 Extensions Repo
Many more extensions (and, in many cases, more recent versions of Public Library extensions) can be found at the Friends of I7 Extensions Github repo. All of these at least compile in their respective versions of Inform 7, and are believed to work.
For a larger body of extensions (that usually don’t identify for what version of Inform 7 they’re intended, and that includes drafts that may not compile or work in any version), see the Friends of I7 miscellaneous extensions
Friends of I7 Extensions Archive
For old extensions, see the Friends of I7 archive at Github:
- in general, these worked in v8.5/6G60 and are unlikely to work in the current (6M62) release without changes. Many interesting extensions for 6G60 were never updated for subsequent versions.
- In many cases, previous versions of a given extension are available; check the git history in github
Two things may not be obvious: the first three of those are different branches of the same repo. The default view if you go to is 10.1. You have to go to the button for the branch pulldown menu in the upper left to switch to 9.3 or to “master” for the miscellaneous ones. And the archive is a separate repo altogether at
For 10.1 and 9.3, a list of the extensions and their descriptions can be had at for 10.1 and These include the extensions’ descriptions and make for easier browsing, but this is still manually updated and may not be up to the minute in reflecting the repos’ real contents.
For the most up-to-date version of the Vorple template files, and the extensions that accompany it, see Vorple downloads.
Where not to find I7 Extensions
A web search for I7 extensions may still direct you to the Extension Library at It’s no longer there and had long since been superseded by the Friends of I7 Extensions repo. (Here’s the old I7 Extension Library tags in YAML if anyone’s interested.)
For discussion of individual extensions (or to look for the status of a given extension), see the Inform Extensions category. If a search for the extension shows it doesn’t have a topic there, feel free to create one.