When Leaving Unity3D

Before you delete your Unity3D account, remember to first acquire reports on the personal info they have on you. With this report, you can figure out what you want to alter before you delete your account, in case you don’t trust them to actually wipe your info from their database, and if any of your info gets released, you can figure out where it came from by using the report (assuming the hypothetical leak came from Unity3D).

I know this isn’t super IF-related, but a number of IF devs use Unity3D for some of their games, so I still think it’s worth posting.


This is a really good strategy in general. Like, whenever wiping or deactivating an account.


No company ever wipes info from a database. Unless there’s a specific legal requirement.


I did this many years ago with LinkedIn when MS took over.


Sounds like Unity wants people to start using Godot.

Nothing beats Godot for 2D game development. The new version has really addressed the 3D engine and it looks like it might be performant enough for the majority of game engine needs.


Or maybe not yet: Godot is not the new Unity - The anatomy of a Godot API call | Sam Pruden Does Stuff

Development is ongoing, of course. And I have no idea what “majority of game engine needs” means in real terms.



Thanks for sharing that article. There’s a good discussion going on in the Reddit link at the bottom of the article for those that are curious…



Unreal also is full of its own hyperfocused issues (but I’m not going on that rant right now). I think a dev will need to decide which engine meets their specific needs on a per-game basis.


So, uh, no one is talking about SDL2? With C compiler?


You can, if you prefer that workflow, and that degree of specialization. There are a few projects I’m certainly looking to implement with it, but also I only have so much bandwidth I can put into each project, so I try to not reinvent wheels and code low if I can help it. Mostly planning to use SDL2 for games where the graphics are too abstract to implement with the traditional rendering pipeline.

Honestly kinda surprised by how many indie devs are moving to Unreal for similar reasons. Unreal seems to have a triple-A workflow and triple-A target userbase. If you’re not aiming for photorealism, then I just don’t see the point.

Also the extreme contrast between offering node graphs or C++ is really strange to me. Sure, C++ is not at all unreasonable, but that’s not the problem. C and C++ both require and extremely fine degree of control and planning which translates to extra dev time.

Sure, if you’re using SDL2 then C is perfectly reasonable.

But Unreal is supposed to handle a lot of basic engine functions, so it really surprises me that it still requires such a low-level language for the devs to use. It doesn’t entirely defeat the purpose of using an engine, but if you’re already using C/C++ already, then why not just use SDL2…?

Maybe it’s just back to workflow preference. Idk. That’s just really difficult for me to understand.


Having spent most of three years on an Unreal project… the node graphs are a surprisingly thin layer on top of the C++ framework. The Blueprint system is great for developers who think visually (and lot of people do) but it really is just a way to manipulate and connect together C++ objects.

The Unreal framework (whichever way you use it) does a decent job of handling the memory fiddling for you. Same as in Unity: you create objects when needed and let the engine clean them up. It’s not perfect, but it’s way better than old-school C malloc/free juggling.

(Yes, Unity/C# has true garbage collection whereas Unreal/C++ uses automated ref-counting. For most developer purposes one is as good as the other.)


Oh, huh. Learned something new!

All the Unreal YouTubers I’ve checked out mostly use the nodes, so I only heard “You can also use C++, if you’d like.” That’s pretty interesting…!

Most of my experience is in Unity3D (and I recently learned Godot) as well as various Java-based frameworks. Back when I was engine-hunting, Unreal wasn’t as expensive as it is today, and I was checking out Unity3D, Source, and Cryengine instead. Years later, I figured out my ideal workflow, and realized it’s very light on graphics, and somewhere along the way I decided to just do IF because graphics are always the thing to kill my projects.