weird day today, but IFComp is always a plus! Aside from that obvious one, we started putting up halloween decorations today
Frogs are actually hilariously (for someone who finds creepy crawlies like centipedes, spiders, and snakes adorable) one of the few animals I find really offputting. The poison dart varieties are colourful enough it’s a nice distraction from their unsettling aura, though. Here’s a lil’ guy to festoon your review thread.
AAAAAHHHHH I love it. Thanks! The whole poison dart thing is pretty apt for a review thread, too. Either a reviewer is being pretty and sweet like a colorful frog on a leaf, or they’re throwing a poison dart at you. I’ll have to make sure my darts are blunt and un-poisoned.
There’s just no accounting for taste. The giant tarantulas that insist on coming onto our porch make me feel like I’m going to die, and you’d probably pet it and coo to it. But if I see a frog, I go into raptures over the cute.
[one of the easter eggs in Repeat the Ending involves a spell that allows you to understand what tree frogs are saying at night]
#frog_gang #team_frog
e: oh, for something good, I had to wipe and reload Windows on my laptop. That went fine! But I didn’t have my gargoyle config backed up
Spent a couple of hours on this (I wish I wouldn’t get drawn into this kind of focus, but I can’t escape it)… now it looks better than it did before! Very ready now for IFComp business.
I managed to fix a punctured wheel on my daughter’s pushcart. I felt unaccountably satisfied with myself for it, since it’s the first time ever. I was a bookish kid, not much into bikes and stuff. Go me.
Just got back from a fairly low stress conference that coincided with the end of a very long, very involved work project. I feel like someone rebooted my brain, and just in time for IFComp!
I was babbling about one of my favourite book series recently, and pitched the idea of potentially playing around in a crossover universe between it and Fallen London, because the intersection of social etiquette and oddities of the two worlds is really interesting to me.
Jinx basically immediately checked out the source material as an ebook and read through it in a single sitting last night, which is the singular most flattering and touching thing I’ve ever had happen, where someone immediately runs out to devour a recommendation that is near and dear to my heart. It was also very sweet how she picked up on some of the character influences in the book on my own work.
When someone pays attention to little details like that about something that means so much to you, and engages enthusiastically and eagerly with media that belongs in the collage of ‘if you understand this, you understand me’ it’s really something special.
I had an interesting sandwich today — goat cheese, slice apples, and honey on toasted bread! Very yummy, and I ate the leftover apple with peanut butter, which is always a good time.
Heavenly combo. Might I suggest some walnuts with that, either crushed and sprinkled atop or just whole on the side? Yum!
Dropped Ari at kindergarten and instead of crying she waved me goodbye with the sweetest of smiles.
I remember being in that same boat with my daughter more than 15 years ago. It’s strange how our roles change over time. My daughter is now university student. She recently got her driver’s license. These last three days she drove me to my work on her way to her classes. I waved and smiled. Not a trace of any tears in my eyes. I swear.
…darn dust…
Oh that sounds amazing!!!
Seconding Rov’s suggestion.
Also: pine nuts with honey, or with some salt and pepper.
EDIT: also some drops of tabasco for a spicy kick!
Oh, I cry easily, that would wreck me.
Another errant meowmeow on the lam. I had just been about to run off to my afternoon class, when a bumbling little toddler bobbled down the hallway, swaying about in that sort of drunken stupor all little kids have when trying to figure out how to walk. Well, I wasn’t just about to leave a baby on his own, especially since he didn’t appear to have just outpaced a stroller and harried parent, and was very intently making his way towards where I was sitting, where multiple exits onto the street and outside were.
Apparently he’s a known runner at the childminding centre. I figured he probably had escaped from there, since lots of kids run around and play there during school hours. He was chilling like a villain while I carried him back, (I was afraid he was going to faceplant onto the tiles if we walked back together, or he might try scampering off again if not held) though he either mistook me for his mama (or is more likely, in the phase of development where everyone is either mama or dada to babies) which was kind of funny. It was very sweet how snuggly he was. Happy to say that he got back to his caregivers safe and sound, and I got to class on time!
Half an hour ago I finished the How Prince Quisborne the Feckless Shook His Title-prologue (pretty much exactly on the two-hour dot), and I’m still sitting here with a mesmerised smile on my face. Thank you, @johnnywz00.
So good! @odetolava , do you have room for one more in the cheering squad? I feel like waving pompons and doing somersaults for Ser Valkyrian and Prince Feckless.
117 wpm - You sure you aren’t an AI robot?
The cheering squad is always accepting new members!!