What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

Well, then you have made my second “Positive Thing” of the day. I got introduced to a Jazz band I didn’t know before.

I like how the musicians of the EST trio interact.

Thank you!

Your suggestion has broadened my musical horizon a bit more.


I especially like their album “From Gagarin’s Point of View” as my background music when reading space-themed science fiction. :relieved:

And thank you for introducing me to Jambinai.


Finally made the draft of a map I had planed on doing weeks ago…
Pretty happy with the shape of it. Will just need to wait for the writing to be done to fill it in properly and add a nicer background again :stuck_out_tongue:

The Map


Reunited with an old treasure thought mysteriously lost for forever until a chance morning encounter, Jinx posted writing drabbles about the Butterfly Court blorbos, I fell asleep and woke up to a nicely formatted Twine just waiting for prose on my laptop. Yay!


Bought my very first pepino fruit.


Got a whole haul of fun little whimsies from Daiso yesterday and had a lovely time using one of them (very adorable cap/straw combo gadget to turn any screw-top bottle into a sippable one that doesn’t require tipping) during a TTRPG session. I also recently discovered a boatload of great new music and got my Neo Twiny Jam entry written and pinned out mechanic-wise - all that’s left to do is code everything!


My voice is mostly back in commission! Now, if only I could stop coughing every few minutes, I could actually phone my friends like I’d been looking forward to this summer… Haven’t needed to dip into the painkillers to deal with the throat in awhile, which is lovely.


It’s been awhile since I cried happy tears, but that’s how I’ve been sniffly and spending my early hours of morning thinking about two really lovely things friends have said to me recently.


My stomach growled, and I remembered I wanted to record the sound!! :smiley:

…for game design reasons.

Trust me, I know this seems weird. Just trust me! :joy:

I’m trying to record, process, and synthesize all sound effects for the game by myself, and not rely on stock sounds or recordings from other people. Mostly because it’s fun, but also because it always feels like legal hot-water to rely on audio samples from videos and stuff.


Da came over to visit and we hung out for a couple hours! He made food and gave me so many hugs and I got some cute Hello Kitty cookies because he knows I love Sanrio and kittens. And matcha tea! I’m having some with ice and milk right now.


I haven’t touched any new interactive fiction lately, partly because I’ve been focusing on my own writing and ideas, but. Holy shit I just went through The Fading City by @Cerfeuil (Arcjam 2023) and I am bloody blown away. I didn’t quite connect with the author’s first Twine game (?), SeedComp! entry Cozy Simulation 2999, though I loved both of the seeds they submitted in the Planting round, especially the Regions of the Acid Factory one, but — this was truly something else. I need some time to digest it. I will probably put this up on IFDB (if it’s not already up) + write a review for it + add it to my Civitas list tomorrow if I have the time.

This ranked #1 in the Arcweave jam. Congratulations to @Cerfeuil for the win, it was a very well-deserved one! Really looking forward to your future works. Your writing style and the way you describe place is amazing. All the best, and fingers crossed for the future!


It was my birthday, so that was nice.

Also, I must recommend Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. IMHO, much better than Discovery or Picard. Very much like TOS for GenXers.



   H A P P Y



Yay, happy birthday! :slight_smile:


Got a lot done today: fixed my main means of transportation, bought some tools I needed (used, for excellent prices), cleaned a bunch, finished a few important chores for my parents while they’re out of the country, helped a friend with a difficult problem. Somehow getting things done has motivated me rather than exhausted me and now I’m applying to a couple jobs - I arrived at my current job several years ago while severely chronically ill and sorely needing the money and flexibility it provided. Now I’m quite a bit less ill, just as poor, and very bored, and I think it’s time to poke my head out of the soil.


I’ve also recently watched SNW. I enjoyed it very much. I agree with your comparison to TOS.


The other night I carried a plate covered in water into the bathroom and closed the door.

Today, I got some help to splash water onto a concrete floor (which splashed all over my leg too!)

More sound design shenanigans! :grin:


I got something new today. It’s a French chromatic button accordion. I have only ever played accordions with piano keyboards before. Ginormous challenge! Excited :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: So much learning to do, but already in love with playing it.

(The picture shows a red shiny - indeed glittery! - button accordion, marked Maugein, with black buttons on the left and right side. It is resting on a red sofa.)


That’s so cool!!! I play accordion too! It’s a lovely instrument, and red is a lovely color for it! Happy to learn you are loving it. Hope you continue to!


That is beautiful.

I made chocolate mousse pie today, with bittersweet chocolate so it’s very chocolatey and not too sweet. It’s chilling right now, and we’ll eat it with whipped cream and raspberries. Next up: key lime pie with a pecan/graham cracker crust.

I like to make cold mousse or custard pies when it gets hot.