What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

OMG this trend is so wild. I was so sure this was an actual thing happening, not just shitposting. Are you thinking of submitting something?


I was really confused when some poetry and aesthetic bloggers I follow started posting like, those really lovely photoshopped cinematic still reels they do for movies sometimes, because surely the aesthetic bloggers wouldn’t be in on the bit? Turns out they are, and it’s hilarious. Loving the collective canon the dashboard is coming up with at lightning speed for this fictional movie. I was jokingly considering entering something, but I’m not sure!


It’s run by me actually :slight_smile:


Had one of those glorious hazes where you hit the zone and come back to yourself, hours later, having hammered out some creative odds and ends you’re quite pleased with. Scribbled down some concrete plans to finish this off. Will probably reread a bunch of Lemony Snicket quotes as a nightcap.


Only just noticed how confusingly I wrote that- I meant it like, as someone I know from the forums! No one’s ever pointed out how ambiguous that sounds to me before, cheers, I’d have never noticed otherwise.


More like last night, but given the situation, I think, it is understood why I’m posting now.

Last night, my very young daughter and I fell asleep on the couch holding each other while watching cartoons!


Not half an hour ago, I exclaimed “Yesss!” upon solving the carlift puzzle in Recluse.

I’m home alone so my triumphant moment de gloire was lost to the world. At least I can belatedly share it here.


Both my EctoComp entries reached top 3 :smiley:
I don’t think anything today will top that. Unless I find that Terry Pratchett book at my library today…


I hope you do. I’ve been searching for that one in the second-hand bookshop for ages.


So, uh, what is that one?


The Colour of Magic. The first one of the Discworld series and one of my top 3 from that series. I should ask it to be put on hold for when it comes back next time, that’ll save me the disappointment. (I’m glad it’s popular in the town tho!)


Ah! I have it. It was the first I read, too, as a teenager, in a Dutch translation which immediately cured me of wanting to ever read any Pratchett books in translation again. (There are some puns early on in the book that were just incomprehensible in the translation; reading the original cleared it up!) I later bought the English version.

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Almost all of the Discworld books were translated into Dutch by Venugopalan Ittekot. (A true name for a Pratchett translator!)

I think he does an amazing job.

You are right though, Pratchett in English is inimitable.


I guess it’s not something that happened today, rather being something I did, but… I’ve worked on a piece of interactive fiction again for the first time in many many months. Maybe even a year? So that’s fun!


My three-year-old daughter said “Daddy, you’re my best big daddy…”


Speaking of said gamejam for the greatest mafia movie that never existed- I finished making VESPERTINE. Autumn’s running the jam, it’s loads of fun- and the Tumblr IF Discord has a little thread devoted to it. A great time all around! I’m really proud of some lines I penned in it- and for learning a few new tricks with Sugarcube, rather than Harlowe…


I had an MRI today. That might not sound like a positive thing, but after minor surgery last week, PET scan the week before, numerous tests, doctor’s visits and 13 other procedures for skin cancer in the last 12 months, I’m really glad that this is the last medical appointment for this year. Yay!


I spilled fat free half and half inside the fridge (knocked it over on the shelf, and the cap was crossthreaded and not on properly) and spent ~5 minutes cleaning up. This sounds like a bad thing, but it isn’t as it made me interact with the turkey thawing on the shelf underneath. As I was fumbling my partially thawed poultry, it suddenly occurred to me that we no longer own a roasting pan. Very grateful this realization didn’t occur to me as I was preparing to bake it on Thursday morning instead.


That’s really harsh! I hope things are moving in the right direction for you.


They are. As my melanoma specialist/plastic surgeon once told me, I’m lucky that I live in Sydney (Australia), as we have the best melanoma research and treatments in the world.