What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

I petition for the official adoption of the Rankine or Rømer temperature scales for exclusive use on Intfiction.org. Regardless of Celsius or Fahrenheit, some people have it easy and others are breaking out the math. Better to equitably inconvenience everyone.


I bought canned cinnamon rolls for breakfast tomorrow for Thanksgiving. One of those little semi-traditions you fall into. Well, I accidentally bought the wrong kind and I now have an excess can of cinnamon rolls.

I’ve decided that the best way to rectify this is by using our waffle iron and disposing of the offending material posthaste. :yum:


Good idea. Celsius and Fahrenheit are unusable.

I think I’m too “functional” and not enough “sociable”, I’ve got a horror play I’m making with my friends (and I’M the guy who gets back from war and kills his family. A little cliché, IK); I have to do the audition for the school play; I have the Battle of the Bands audition soon (luckily we are only doing The Pretender, so easy backup guitar, less easy vocals); and who knows what else I’ve committed to.

Oh yes, finishing off a Unity game to show to a bunch of kids who I do a club with, but I think it should be okay that Unity is so weird to deal with so I’ve only done a hallway in space and a connector. I have to show it today.

And if the fact that I am quite arrogant (I know I have to fix it) isn’t showing through yet, can I say this:

Is it fair to say that Milliways is one of the most ambitious IF games?

Definitely not “the most”, but, you know, personally I’d say it’s up there. But I’m me so…


Better to swing big with mixed results than taking the safe prescribed route.

When the only cost to failure is a potential hit to your pride, those are the times to shoot for the stars my friend.


I’ve said this before, but attempting to imitate Douglas Adams and imitate Infocom at the same time, and explicitly invite comparisons to both of them, is pretty damn ambitious!


This is a cool sketch! I like the head tilt / angle you’ve portrayed. Since you’ve mentioned wanting to learn how to freehand faces, (though photobashing references is pretty common for art references, especially for background artists), I found that the Loomis method was really helpful when I was first practicing drawing! It’s meant for beginners, and I found it helpful in learning the landmarks of the face. You might be interested in the Reilly method after you’ve gotten comfortable with Loomis, as it assumes more familiarity with anatomy.

There are several books and learning resources for the Loomis method, though it might be worth checking your local library first if you’re in a decently populated area, as sometimes they keep a copy. I believe the Internet Archive might also have some of his stuff.

If you want to move into practicing character posing, then some popular resources are PoseManiacs and DesignDoll. AdorkaStock, (who used to be SenshiStock, last I had heard, but apparently they’re under a new name now? It’s been a hot minute!) also has some really great dynamic single and couple pose reference photographs in tight fitted undergarments (to not hide the posing, but not nude, to preserve modesty. A lot less awkward than having a screen full of nudies to ogle while drawing!)


That sounds like exactly the sort of thing I need! Are there particular books I should be looking for, or just search the catalogue for “the Loomis method”? (I’m fortunate to be in a college town with a huge university library.)


I believe these are most (if not all?) of the official books, so hopefully this list is helpful while searching the library:

  • Fun with a Pencil (1939).
  • Figure Drawing for All It’s Worth (1943).
  • Creative Illustration (1947).
  • Successful Drawing (1951).
  • Drawing the Head and Hands (1956).
  • The Eye of the Painter (1961).
  • I’d Love to Draw! (2014).

They don’t have to be read in any particular order, so if one of them seems more appealing to you, I’d say go for it! And there are other people who’ve written about the method both online and in other books, but if you can find the originals, that’d be best. :3

The search term ‘Andrew Loomis Collection’ might also be helpful? It was at my rinkydink highschool library, but I’m not sure if they’re collated elsewhere too.


Thank you very much! I’ll see which of these I can get my hands on!




omg, they look like poffertjes!!







Not done yet…

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Dipped again…




Desserts made! Kitchen ruined! Now Tom is baking his green bean shiitake mushroom bacon cheese onion casserole, wandering through the chocolate-covered, sticky wasteland I left behind.

T minus 1 hour until we get on the road to go eat. Would it be really, really bad if I had a piece of my chocolate cake? Just, you know, to make sure it’s OK? I mean, it might be bad. How would I know unless I tried it?