Wearable items...

In Inform7, if an article is not ‘worn’ in the present moment, but has been ‘worn’, how do you refer to this as a condition? Do you use those very words? In other words

  1. does ‘if the pair of shoes is worn’ mean if the pair of shoes is being worn right now, (‘was’ meaning if the pair of shoes was worn at the beginning of the current turn)and
  2. does ‘if the pair of shoes has been worn’, or ‘if we have worn the pair of shoes’, mean if the pair of shoes has ever been worn…??


“if we have worn pair of shoes” should work for you.

[code]Example Location is a room.

A pair of shoes is a wearable thing in example location.

The description of pair of shoes is “They’re some comfortable sneakers[if we have worn pair of shoes], you know from experience[end if].”

Test me with “x shoes/wear shoes/x shoes/take off shoes/x shoes”.[/code]

Thanks, Hanon.