Walker & Silhouette: Let's Get Testy

Misfits in a strange city; crime fighters grappling with the weirdest mysteries; rivals who become partners until the last:

A keyword-only adventure coming soon to an interpreter near you.

Walker & Silhouette is entering the final stages of testing. I’ve been working on this for about six months now, so I’m not looking to make any changes to the structure of the game - but I am looking to weed out any typos or bugs that may have slipped through the net.

This is a relatively short (possibly 1-2 hours) and straightforward game. The emphasis is on story and character, but some scenes involve puzzles of moderate difficulty (hints are available, and are also something I’m specifically looking to test). The game file comes in TADS .t3 and Windows .exe formats. If you’re interested in being a tester, post here or PM me.

Sounds interesting! I’ll take a look at it. My email address is emily.boegheim@gmail.com.

if you need more testers, I’ll have a look at it…


I’ve emailed you both.


Version 8 of Walker & Silhouette has emerged blinking into the light of the outside world.

You can grab it here.

Bug reports are still welcome. I’ll upload it to the IF Archive once it’s done the rounds without exploding.
