[Vox Stories] Mobile app devs looking for paid writers

Hey guys!

We are a small startup team from everywhere in the world. :slight_smile: We are developing a mobile app with interactive stories inside in form of chats. The app name is Vox Stories - https://voxter.club/stories (the link should redirect to the App Store / Google Play if opened on a mobile device). The app is in the stores already. We have several stories there too, you can check the flow.

The primary target group are women/girls/ladies of various ages (we see it as ages 20 to 35).

The tooling is rather simple - we create a dialogue flow in form of a Miro chart and export-import it into our app’s backend.

We’ll be happy to negotiate the terms with those interested to try this format of expression. :slight_smile:


Well, looking at your website I’d say the brief to the designer was for ages somewhat less than that.

Actually, they can even call you!

Can they really? Is that a feature you designed in on purpose? And for what purpose?

Thanks for the reply.

Well, looking at your website I’d say the brief to the designer was for ages somewhat less than that.

Yeah, the target shifts a bit. We tried 18+ first. But are now shifting.

Can they really? Is that a feature you designed in on purpose? And for what purpose?

As you can guess it’s just imitation. The call comes inside the app, it is all designed to look like WhatsApp or Telegram call, the player picks up the phone and hears some short voiceover. Then the story goes on. It’s for the sim purpose, to be closer to real life. We are startup, we are experimenting.

who leaked this forum’s URL to all these romance app developers lmao


Google did :wink:
And we are not strictly romance. We are looking for our niche right now. Be it romance, or any other/all genres.

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Hey Gregory, are you still looking for some help with writing for your game? I would be happy to give it a go.

Kudos to you for getting out there and making your own app!


Hello there! I am interested in working for your platform as a fiction writer. I am a Creative writer with five years of experience in writing and ghostwriting stories, scripts and novels in multiple genres including thriller, mystery, horror, fantasy, romance, and adventure. Please reply to my message so we can further discuss this opportunity.