Vorple Command Prompt not updating when it should

We’ve noticed an annoying issue with how Vorple handles its command prompts. It’s probably a bug of some kind, but we’re hoping there’s a way around it.

Basically, when changing the command prompt in certain contexts (namely when trying to ask the player some kind of question), the prompt doesn’t get updated correctly. Here’s a particularly egregious example when using the Questions extension by Michael Callaghan:

Our code:

Character customization is an activity.

The printed name of the player is "the survivor".
The player has a pronoun lexeme called explicit pronouns. The explicit pronouns are they-them.

The character name question is always "What is the survivor's name?".

The character pronouns question is always "What are the character's pronouns?[line break]1: he/him[line break]2: she/her[line break]3: they/them[line break]4: they/them plural[line break]5: it/its[line break]".

The last rule for character customization:
	Now the current question is the character name question;
	Now the current prompt is "Enter name >";
	Ask a closed question, in text mode;
A text question rule (this is the set character name rule):
	If the current question is the character name question:
		Now the printed name of the player is the current answer;
		Now the current question is the character pronouns question;
		Now the current prompt is "Enter Pronoun Option (1-5) >";
		Ask a closed question, in number mode;

A number question rule (this is the set character pronouns rule):
	If the current question is the character pronouns question:
		Let P be the number understood;
		If P is 1:
			Now the explicit pronouns of the player are he-him;
		Else if P is 2:
			Now the explicit pronouns of the player are she-her;
		Else if P is 3:
			Now the explicit pronouns of the player are they-them;
		Else if P is 4:
			Now the explicit pronouns of the player are the plural animate pronouns;
		Else if P is 5:
			Now the explicit pronouns of the player are the neuter pronouns;
			Say "Not an option, sorry! Pick an number from the list.";
		Now the current prompt is ">";

When play begins:
	Carry out the character customization activity.

The output (note the command prompt never changing from “Enter Name >”:

Enter name >bleh
What are the character's pronouns?
1: he/him
2: she/her
3: they/them
4: they/them plural
5: it/its

Enter name >2
Enter name >
I beg your pardon?

Enter name >

Any clue how to work around this?

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