Variable Macro Conundrum

Twine Version: 2.3.5
Story Format: 2.30

I have this as my pre-set character

<<set $pcSkills to {

spotHidden: "Spot Hidden",

And it works great for this:

You open draws and scatter items about as you try to find notes, clues or documents that may reveal secrets about the deadly duo who attacked you.
<<if $pcSkills.spotHidden>>Your sharp eye misses nothing.

<<else>>You find nothing.<</if>>

I have this in the custom character creation passage via mouse clicking on selections:

Choose 2 Skills from the list:


<<set $choices1 to [
"Spot Hidden",

<<set $pcSkills to []>>

<<for _i to 0; _i lt $choices1.length; _i++>>

<<capture _i>>
<<linkreplace "$choices1[_i]">>
	<<set $pcSkills.push($choices1[_i])>>
	<<if $pcSkills.length gte 2>><<goto "Custom Character Creation 3">><</if>>


On the next screen I have to show it’s been selected:

You are skilled in:

@@.skill;''<<for _skillValue range $pcSkills>>


So with this done later in the story I want to have some text and stuff to appear IF the character has say ‘Marksmanship’ or ‘Spot Hidden’ as it did before with the preset character.

What would I do to make this:

You open draws and scatter items about as you try to find notes, clues or documents that may reveal secrets about the deadly duo who attacked you.
<<if $pcSkills.spotHidden>>Your sharp eye misses nothing.

<<else>>You find nothing.<</if>>

Work yet keep the clickable selection? Or am I SOL with this whole thing?

Maybe this (completely untested)?

Choose 2 Skills from the list:


<<set $choices1 to [
{name: "marksmanship", text: "Marksmanship"},
{name: "spotHidden", text: "Spot Hidden"},
{name: "charm", text: "Charm"},

<<set $pcSkills to {}>>

<<for _i to 0; _i lt $choices1.length; _i++>>

<<capture _i>>
<<linkreplace "$choices1[_i]">>
	<<set $pcSkills[$choices1[_i].name] to $choices1[_i].text>>
	<<if Object.keys($pcSkills).length gte 2>><<goto "Custom Character Creation 3">><</if>>


Each choice is an object with the property name and the text, $pcSkills is an object instead of an array (so it has named properties instead of numbered ones), and then you have to use Object.keys to get a list of keys so you can find out how many you’ve set.

Hopefully I didn’t miss anything or make some completely avoidable mistakes there…

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Thanks, but It didn’t work.

Just kept letting me choose options until none were left unfortunately.


It just did ‘work’, and functioned perfectly in the actual passages with the $spotHidden variable in it.

Unfortunately the option names in the custom creation passage displayed:

[object OBJECT]
[object OBJECT]
[object OBJECT]

Instead of:

Spot Hidden


Not sure if this is a way out?

<<linkreplace "$choices1[_i]">>
<<linkreplace $choices1[_i].text>>


Worked brilliantly. Thanks a lot for that, it really finished off the whole thing. Was about to abandon the custom character creation part until you chimed in.

Thanks again! :slight_smile: