Using VS Code in twine

Twine Version: 2.7.1
[Sugarcube 2]


I am new at coding or I dont say its coding but I start using twine to make some storys, after that I meet with CSS and Js Im still learning pase. So I see the VS code on the some videos and dowloand it but I cant use it on twine. I want to make the codes appear like the normal coding program. I think you guys knowing vs code css or js 999999 time better than me so Im going to cut it short. Can I use vs code on twine ? İf I can, how ? I would be really grateful if you guys could help me.

Kind Regards :heart::heart:


You can open the folder that contains all your twine files in VSCode. Then you see all the individual files on the left side of the screen. If you click on one, it will open on the right. You can edit it from there. It’s awesome, try it.

Maybe you show the address where to find that video and/or code. Then we can tell you what kind of code it is.

You need to use Tweego (see also Twee notation). Here’s a quick guide from @JoshGrams on how to get things set up.

For syntax highlighting, you’ll need to install the VSCode extension Twee 3 Language Tools.


@manonamora also has a downloadable folder with a Tweego setup.


See this topic:

for more Twine resources too :wink:
(incl. compilers)


I recently made my own Twee compiler with support for splitting things nicely into multiple files and a VSCode extension to build and run projects, with auto reload on save. I took the syntax highlighting definition from the Twee 3 Language Tools extension.

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