Using DALL-E to generate cover art

Or if your tastes run differently:


Nice. But right now, I’m interested in gritty and grainy :slightly_smiling_face:

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How do you give Midjourney an image for inspiration? I’d like to try this.

My feeling is that generated people, eg for a game, will be a tough call for ai (at the moment). background scenes might be the best at this stage.

I’ve been keeping an eye on generated humans. I downloaded their demo, but it seemed to contain a giant bunch of people samples, and i didn’t get to actually generate a person myself. So maybe this isn’t ready yet either :slight_smile:

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All you have to do is include the URL to the image in your prompt. You can use multiple images.

I’m actually using some in my WIP. I find them easier than background images, which never match my vision for the scene.


That’s really interesting. Perhaps it’s better than i thought. Can you get it to generate different face expressions and so forth. Any examples?


Thinking back on it much later, it doesn’t have that crazy Douglas Adams (also cartoonist) style that I feel it should have.

It’s not great at it, but it can do it a little bit. More extreme expressions (e.g., laughing) tend to look unnatural.


Thanks. Encouraging pictures. The irises in the top one are a bit wrong, but fixable. Jpeg artefacts are a bit high. are these the original?

Another one I got from Starry AI is this one:


Yeah those are original, no touch ups.

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Perhaps you already have it into account, buy I saw in some places the text “jpg artifacts” as negative prompts, if it can help (althought I can’t appreciate those told by @jkj_yuio ).

I find very useful this site, where you can see images generated by AI, and more useful, the prompt used to create them.

By the way, @rileypb , do you know if this is also posible some way with Stable Diffusion AI?

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Is what possible, specifically?

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Sorry, I was talking about this stuff of generate different images of the same model.

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I’m pretty sure not, since it doesn’t seem to have the capability to use image prompts? But I’m not 100% certain.

Even with Midjourney the ability to create multiple images of the same character is pretty limited. The facial features drift a lot when you change backgrounds, pose, expression, etc.


Not exactly cover art, but I got this (I guess a playing card?) when prompting Dream Wombo with:

You are standing on the ramp leading down from the legendary starship heart of gold to the Blighted Ground of the legendary planet Magrathea.

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For anyone following weird use cases for AI, you’ll probably enjoy Nothing, Forever. It’s a perpetual Twitch stream broadcasting a procedurally generated version of Seinfeld. Apparently the creators combined animation, writing, and audio machine learning systems to generate every part of the show. It becomes apparent very quickly that the human touch is missing, but the live Twitch chat reacting to each “joke” makes for a fun juxtaposition.