Using an action name based rulebook?

It’s possible to define an action name based rulebook, though it’s necessary to use parentheses:

Xrules is an (action name) based rulebook.

However, I can’t seem to get the compiler to accept any rules that take an action name as a parameter, no matter what I try with parentheses. All of these fail to compile in both 6M62 and 10.1.2:

Xrules the asking it about action:

Xrules asking it about action:

Xrules (asking it about) action:

Xrules (asking it about action):

Is there a way to actually make use of an action name based rulebook? If not, is this a bug?

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This doesn’t seem to work. At least, the rulebook is not described in the index as an action name based rulebook. It’s a regular action-based rulebook. I suppose that’s a bug.

You could work around it with a number based rulebook and

To decide what number is encoded (A - action name): (- {A} -).
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I do wonder what the use case for this approach is. What can this accomplish that can’t be done with the Before/Instead/Check rules?

In this case I was after some integration at the I6 level (i.e. calling an I7 rulebook from I6), with the intended parameter being an action name.

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