<<type>> and <<linkreplace>> macros disagreeing with each other

Hello! I am trying to implement a typewriter effect onto my existing linkreplace section, however only the first set of text has the typewriter effect. Here is my code:

<<type 60ms>>\
<<linkreplace "The war took everything.">>\
<<linkreplace "From me, from everybody.">>\
[[Those of us left are only shells of our former selves; of what humanity once was.->Main2]]


I have tried to rearrange things or add the <> macro individually and specifically to each line, but it only results in errors. If anyone could help, Iā€™d be very appreciative!

It should work if you add more <<type>><</type>> macros.

<<type 60ms>>\
<<linkreplace "The war took everything.">>\
<<type 60ms>>\
<<linkreplace "From me, from everybody.">>\
<<type 60ms>>\
[[Those of us left are only shells of our former selves; of what humanity once was.->Main2]]

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Yep, that did it! I swear I tried the same thing but I must have arranged it incorrectly. Regardless, thank you so much! It was driving me crazy.