I’ve been tinkering with a Z-machine disassembler on my own and used TXD some. During this process i’ve found some bugs and some opcodes that isn’t supported in TXD. Are TXD still maintained? At gitlab there is a repository (David Griffith / ztools · GitLab). Is this the “official” one and can I report issues there?
The thing I’ve found so far:
The EXT opcodes print_unicode and check_unicode aren’t defined (version 5-8).
The EXT opcode set_true_colour is not defined for either version 6 or version 5, 7-8 (different definitions).
The EXT opcode buffer_screen is not defined for version 6.
The 2OP opcode throw is only definied for version 6, It should also be valid for version 5, 7-8.
The 0OP opcode restart should be defined as a RETURN-type (is currently defined as a PLAIN-type). This one am I not entirely sure about but one dialog routine ended with restart and will disassemble correctly when restart is retyped.
To get my disassembly to work I treat quit and restart as RETURN-types if not the next opcode is a valid opcode, otherwise they are considered as PLAIN-types.
Example from Trinity (Release 12 / Serial Number 860926):
Source code:
"Do you want to restart the story, restore a saved position, or quit?" CR CR>
TDX disassemble this as:
Routine 28cfc, 1 local (0000)
28cff: bb new_line
28d00: 88 51 88 00 call_1s 14620 -> sp
28d04: bb new_line
28d05: b2 ... print "Do you want to restart the story, restore a saved position, or quit?"
28d32: bb new_line
28d33: bb new_line
28d34: b2 ... print "[Type RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT.] >"
28d5f: e4 af b3 67 read ga3 g57
28d63: 4f 67 01 01 loadw g57 #01 -> local0
28d67: c1 8f 01 e0 31 50 je local0 "restart" ~28d7b
28d6d: b7 restart
28d6e: 0d 01 01 store local0 #01
28d71: d9 0f 51 80 f6 09 00 call_2s 14600 s083 -> sp
28d78: 8c ff bb jump 28d34
28d7b: c1 8f 01 e0 3a 4e je local0 "restore" ~28d8d
28d81: b6 01 restore -> local0
28d83: d9 0f 51 80 f6 0c 00 call_2s 14600 s084 -> sp
28d8a: 8c ff a9 jump 28d34
28d8d: c1 83 01 de 30 de 81 3f a0
je local0 "q" "quit" ~28d34
28d96: bb new_line
28d97: ba quit
orphan code fragment:
28d98: 8c ff 9b jump 28d34
'quit' here is not the end of the routine, it's the jump (a part of the REPEAT-statement.
Example from the Dialog version of Craverly Heights:
Source code:
(understand command [restart])
(perform [restart])
Restart the game from the beginning? \(
(if) (library links enabled) (then) (link) y (else) y (endif)
(no space) / (no space)
(if) (library links enabled) (then) (link) n (else) n (endif)
(if) (yesno) (then)
Failed to restart.
(parse game over [restart])
TXD won't disassemble these, but if I apply the changes above to my still unfinished program, I get:
0A93C 00 Routine: 0A93C, 0 locals
0A93D F9 13 0B 7B 10 5B BC call_vn
0A944 F9 26 0B 42 38 45 35 call_vn
0A94B D9 2F 0C 25 45 24 call_2s
0A951 C1 83 24 21 0F 3E 71 F4 je
0A959 C1 8F 24 21 15 ED je
0A95F C1 8F 24 21 16 E4 je
0A965 C1 8F 24 21 97 C3 je
0A96B B1 rfalse
0A96C DA 1F 0B 6B 08 call_2n
0A971 E1 9B 13 03 14 storew
0A976 DA 0F 0B F7 5B C7 call_2n
0A97C CD 4F 12 5B C2 store
0A981 2D 15 14 store
0A984 8B 0E F4 ret
0A987 8B 18 76 ret
0A98A B7 restart
0A98B DA 1F 0B 6B 06 call_2n
0A990 CD 4F 12 5B C0 store
0A995 2D 15 14 store
0A998 8B 23 9D ret
0A99B 00
0CF4C 00 Routine: 0CF4C, 0 locals
0CF4D 4F 14 00 14 loadw
0CF51 B7 restart
0CF52 00 00
In the first routine restart has a valid opcode following and is treated as a PLAIN-type
and in the second routine restart is followed by an invalid opcode and treated as a RETURN-type.
The problem here is trying to figure out where the routine ends, right? I haven’t looked at the txd code, but it seems like this is the same problem for QUIT and RESTART as it is for RETURN. Any of them can occur in the middle of a function, if there’s branching.
Exactly! Usually txd moves the goalposts for the end of a routine when it encounters a branching instructions. But in the case of restart is defined as plain (can’t be at the end of a function), quit is definied as return (can be the end of a function).
I’ve made a ZTools 7/4 Beta for Win32. Works with Trinity and Craverly Heights above (and other test cases I have). Source and binaries at: GitHub - heasm66/ztools_7_4_beta_win32
I’ve found a new bug. If there’s data, probably an array, directly following the dictionary, it gets wrongly identified as a dictionary entry. The bolow code snippet is from The Job:
dict_end is actually the first byte after the end of the dictionary (code_base). If there’s an array starting at dict_end this could wrongly be identified as a dictionary entry. Changed ‘>’ to ‘>=’ in the function in_dictionary (txd.c).
if (word_address < dict_start || word_address >= dict_end)
Somehow I missed this thread. That ztools repository of mine wasn’t intended to be official. Though I have made modifications to help me with extracting CGA and EGA data from Infocom’s V6 graphics files. I suppose I could adopt the package, modernize the build procedure, and make it official.
#ifdef SceneryReply;
if(SceneryReply ofclass string)
print_ret (string) SceneryReply;
i = location.&cheap_scenery;
w1 = self.number;
if(SceneryReply(i-->w1, i-->(w1 + 1)))
"No need to concern yourself with that.";
The SceneryReply can both be a string or a routine, which makes the compiler to compile this unreachable code print_ret (string) SceneryReply; in the case it is a routine. When TXD tries to decompile this it throw a message to stderr, Warning: printing of nonexistent string. The decompiled snippet looks like below:
My assembler has a directive which inserts arbitrary bytes, and it’s been very useful for generating instructions which might otherwise be difficult to create.
Having something like that in I6 would be great, removing the need for a separate tool for Z-machine experimentation.
Seems to me PROPNUM would be right. It should be a property number (and is considered an error if it’s anything else). It technically can, of course, be any number, but from looking at the TXD source code, PROPNUM falls back to printing numbers if it can’t look the property up, so that should be just fine here.
Pretty much every assembler for real hardware I’ve encountered allowed for arbitrary byte and word sequences put wherever I like. I’d call an assembler incomplete if it couldn’t do that.