Hey all - breaking a long silence to bring back the (Meal) Reviews of IFComp games. With respect and a debt of gratitude to the Breakfast Reviews of IFComp games that I did not originate, but which inspired me as an author to create something that would be better than weak tea and toast.
Looking through old topics - seems I last did this in 2021, when I was an author. So, welcome to the public Meal Reviews. They do not include scores, and are entirely objective. This is exactly what these games are, just described as food.
First up in my personalized shuffle, in which I’ve prioritized Inform works, because that is what I like (don’t go to a pizza place if you don’t like pizza!), is…
A peanut butter sandwich on white bread, made several hours before school, tucked inside its plastic bag. A can of RC Cola, warm, also is within the brown paper bag. Your mother has scrawled a heart on the outside of the bag in red magic marker. You are too old for this, and you have told her that before. She keeps doing it. Twenty years from now, in a moment of reflection, you will cherish the heart, but right now it just gets you made fun of by the other guys at the lunch table. A red delicious apple, slightly bruised, is going to be half eaten, and then chucked into the grey plastic trashbin before you race to spend a few extra minutes playing Wall Ball or Four-Square before it’s time for World History with Mrs. Shoemaker.