Thoughts on the table of all tags on IFDB (showtags page)?

Right now, here is what the “showtags” page looks like, showing all of the tags on IFDB: All Game Tags (

I was wondering if it would make sense to have more space between rows, similar to the tags on a game page:

Also, do you find it more helpful for the table of all tags on IFDB (on the showtags page) to be sorted in order of frequency, or in alphabetical order? Or would you find it useful to have both options? Right now, the table is in frequency order, and the cloud is in alphabetical order, but there’s no option to see the table in alphabetical order.


First of all: I love this addition! Thanks for your efforts. A bit of spacing might be nice for readability. On the other hand, it’s a lot of text to fit in.

Being able to switch between top and alphabetical seems a very nice option.


Thank you! (Although honestly, dfabulich did a lot of it.)

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Echoing this!

I’m fine with the spacing the way it is; for a long list like this, that second screenshot seems too spread-out.

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I like the option; I think that is an useful tool for the current tagfest, is easy to figure where consolidations are needed, for example.

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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OK, here is another question. If an option were to be added to sort the table alphabetically, would you still want to keep all of the top 20 / top 50 / top 100 options for the table?

Not that the number of tags is related to the sorting order of the table–I’m just asking because adding more options to the top of the page could make it look cluttered, and I don’t know how likely people are to use the “top N” options with the table. (The “top N” options make a little more sense to me with the cloud.)

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Yeah, I don’t see a reason to have the top N links when the “by frequency” sort is already showing the top ones first.


Yeah, I see no reason to limit the number when it’s going to be a sortable table rather than a cloud.