The Release of Ryan Veeder's Mud Warriors on Gameboy

For the past six months I have been working, in collaboration with Ryan Veeder and Polyducks, on a Gameboy adaptation of Ryan’s Mud Warriors IF game.

We finished up the last parts today and will be ready to release it on on Tuesday, September 21st.

Available to play on the web or as a rom on Gameboy hardware.

It’s free! It’s fun! It’s a great new way to reimagine an Interactive Fiction game!

So, before you dive into IFCOMP 2021, please stop by and take a look at what we have created.

And keep watching this post for the Release details.




What is the protocol for playing on a Gameboy?

Thank you

To be honest, I’ve only tried the rom on a software emulator, since I don’t own a Gameboy.

But we have had a few people test on an everdrive GB (an SD-card based flash cart) and it works great. Apparently, you can put all of your Gameboy roms on one SD card because the roms are fairly small.

Here is some more info if you are interested in researching this option further.

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Thank you, Lance,

I don’t have a Gameboy handy but the option is very interesting.

To clarify: “Mud Warriors” is the text adventure that I wrote all by myself in 2020. “Ryan Veeder’s Mud Warriors” is the Gameboy adaptation that Lance and Polyducks did almost all the work on.

But I did the music. You’re gonna love this music.

The combat mechanic has been streamlined somewhat, so if you want a smooth, intentional play experience you can play this game, and if you want something highly systemic and random and janky you can play the original “Mud Warriors.” But you should probably play both.


Very nice! Thank you.

Ryan Veeder’s Mud Warriors is now available at Mud Warriors - Gameboy by Polyducks, lkcampbell