I looked for the post of yours that made me believe that, but it seems to have existed only in my imagination. My apologies, zarf. (But I coulda swore…)
Nah, it’s okay. What I said was “When I’m discussing IF as an art form, I talk about game events and what choices the player is thinking about.” Player choice is a broad topic; CYOA or “choice game” is narrower. But the terminology isn’t clear (or clearly agreed on).
LOL. People don’t even agree on what to call ‘Interactive Fiction’. Somebody told me they were getting all into Interactive Fiction and were all excited about it, and then I realised they were talking exclusively about CYOA and were not interested in the least in a parser. I don’t have any huge objection to CYOA being considered IF (though by habit that’s not the way I normally use the term), but the weird combination of utter interactive text excitement with total parser-block, mystified me.
I was standing in line at PAX last year and talking to a few younger folks, and when I mentioned interactive fiction they said, “interactive fiction like Heavy Rain or like Galatea?”
That is awesome. XD