The Compass, Is everyone Just Lazy

I agree. The commonly used method isn’t too difficult for half-way intelligent people to grasp.

I do agree that alternate movement methods should be provided, for convenience if nothing else. In particular, every game with a map bigger than four (simultaneous) rooms should implement GO TO to return to previously visited locations. Going to an adjacent, unvisited location with GO TO, though, might undermine a game where you don’t want the player to know what to expect from the next room; GO TO THE KITCHEN makes total sense if your game is set in the player character’s apartment, but what about a game set in a dark cave, or a dream, or a spooky abandoned hospital?

First of all: “The enemy gate is down” :slight_smile:

But all jokes aside, it is an interesting question, and I’d like to make a suggestion.

Would it be possible to set specific points for orientation?

And in an age of space exploration, people would indeed need a way to communicate that feels natural to most people.

How would you solve the larger question of how do you describe where galaxies are in relation to one-another?

“Well…If you are traveling to the Milky Way, just keep the Andromeda galaxy on your left going from Bode’s galaxy, and you should arrive about right!”

How about setting a “universe” center, and then navigate out from that? In 3 dimensions of course.

Once that is done you may navigate individual solar systems according to the position of it’s sun, based on that sun’s position to the universe’s center.

Best regards,

I attempted to make a game set in space. It was a total nightmare.

Weird. When lost in the desert or sea, stars are your best bet for orientation. :slight_smile: