Terminating A Line Of Code

Kind of a silly question but it has been nagging at me. When the last line in any piece of code is quoted text does there need to be an external period after the ending quotation mark? The code works fine I am just wondering if it causes any sort of hidden problems like loss of memory or any such thing.

This is the player wields weapon rule: if player is attacked: if player has the reiver blade: if the reiver blade is active: if balakattack is on:[turn this off when finished with it] say "[line break]You defend yourself against the mighty Balak."; if the player has the cold hammered iron dagger: if the cold hammered iron dagger is active: if sbattack is on:[turn this off when finished with it] say "[line break]You defend yourself against the Shyn Balak."{PERIOD HERE ??}

No. But I think that a good code style is to end every line of a rule of phrase with a semicolon, and only use periods with declarations (There is a thing.)

It doesn’t hurt to have it, and it doesn’t hurt not to have it. It’s mostly up to personal preference.

The case where it does matter is if you don’t have a blank line afterward, i.e. the next part of your code continues in the same paragraph. In that case you sometimes need to add a period after the quotation mark to disambiguate where one part ends and the next begins.

Thanks all.

Okay maybe I’m just all kinds of funny in the brain but do you mean you can just[code]Every turn when thing goes ding:
say “ding”;
stuff happens;
all the awesome;
say “[question]”;

To say question:
say “so this would be good, then?”;

Use undo prevention.[/code]

Yep. That’s the way I prefer to write my Inform 7.

Amusingly enough, the elliptical style is also valid:

On the desk is a smoking gun...


I do not understand.

I believe an ellipsis is interpreted as a period.

I imagine it’s taking it as a period, then a line of code which does nothing terminated by a period, then a line of code which does nothing terminated by a period. The net effect being the same as a single dot.