Talk to - Implemented in an I6 Game

Has anyone implemented a “Talk To” conversation system in I6?

Thank you, Jeff

The IF Archive has several library extensions for conversation at Index of /if-archive/infocom/compilers/inform6/library/contributions

Are there specific features that you’re looking for? Can you provide an example game with that style, or a sample transcript of what you want to have?

Thank you for the suggestion and the resource. I found that I will examine tomorrow. There were several extensions for menu based conversations. I have already used that in a previous game. It was not optimal. I would like to work with “Talk To (NPC)” hoping it will be less intrusive.

Not exactly a “system”, but I use the following grammar for TALK and TALK TO. This can be used in your life rules, the same as ASK and TELL.

Extend only 'speak' replace
  * -> Talk
  * creature -> Talk
  * noun -> Talk
  * 'to'/'with' creature -> Talk
  * 'to'/'with' noun -> Talk
  * 'to'/'with' creature 'about' topic -> Ask
  * 'to'/'with' noun 'about' topic -> Ask;

Verb 'talk' 'babble' 'chat' 'communicate' 'converse' 'gab' 'gossip'
  * -> Talk
  * creature -> Talk
  * noun -> Talk
  * 'to'/'with' creature -> Talk
  * 'to'/'with' noun -> Talk
  * 'to'/'with' creature 'about' topic -> Ask
  * 'to'/'with' noun 'about' topic -> Ask;

[ TalkSub;
  if (noun == nothing)
    "You start talking to no one in particular.";
  if (noun == player)
    "You start talking to yourself, but it's a one-sided conversation.";
  if (RunLife(noun, ##Talk))
  print_ret (The)noun, " ", (IsOrAre)noun, " not very talkative.";
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Thank you, Garry.

I will see if I can work this into my code.
