Taking limerick requests

Well, I’m taking a cue from @aschultz here, and going to see if anyone wants to request a John’s Lame Limerick. You get a little review, too, but those are typically lamer than the limerick.
Actually, though, you can request a limerick for any comp game, not just your own, if you want. So you can reply to this thread with a title, rather than simply liking this post.
Apologies in advance that I make no guarantees how many more comp games I’ll find time to play before the end! Probably at least two, but who knows… maybe 10?
Note: as primarily a parser IFer I am already planning to play Stormrider and Match Girl… @Draconis @Afterward


I want to see a ZORK limerick.


Yeah, and System’s Twilight!


As fun as that may be, I haven’t played enough of either of those for limerick material, and I want my limited time to go towards the comp right now so other people can get some benefit from it :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ll try to get Long Kill, Gestures and Osiris on the docket…


The Finders Commission, please. You’re talented but this one may stump you. Maybe.

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Okay! I’m still finishing (that is, when I get playtime) my two hours of Sea in a Sieve, but I’ll do Finders next…

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Before Comp started, I thought I’d be doing good to meet the minimum judging requirements… well, I’m pleased that I was able to surpass that by quite a margin! However, my judging window may be winding down here, and I have made it through all of the entries that I had particular intent to play.
Would anybody else like to request a limerick review before I sign off for this year? I may still find time for a couple more before the 15th rolls around…
(As before, you can request a comp game even if you’re not its author)