Taking it off

So I’m trying to disable the command “take off” without disabling “take”.

This is what I’m trying to do:

This doesn’t work as expected. The only way I’ve been able to disable it is to disable “take”, which I don’t want to do.

This is a nuisance; you have to disable the entire “take” verb and then put back the parts you like.

I see, that is annoying. I think what I’ll do is:

EDIT This doesn’t work.

Because the action is REMOVING iirc. I’m on a phone, no way to check.

That ought to work for commands like TAKE OFF SHOES, which would trigger the taking off action.
There is however a removing action, as well, which is indeed triggered by commands like TAKE BOOK OFF SHELF; to change the response to commands like the latter one, you need an ‘instead of removing something from’ rule.

You could also replace the relevant section of The Standard Rules, like so.

[spoiler][code]Section 1 - Fix Grammar (in place of Section SR4/10 - Grammar in Standard Rules by Graham Nelson)

Understand “take [things]” as taking.
[Understand “take off [something]” as taking off.]
Understand “take [something] off” as taking off.
Understand “take [things inside] from [something]” as removing it from.
Understand “take [things inside] off [something]” as removing it from.
Understand “take inventory” as taking inventory.
Understand the commands “carry” and “hold” as “take”.

Understand “get in/on” as entering.
Understand “get out/off/down/up” as exiting.
Understand “get [things]” as taking.
Understand “get in/into/on/onto [something]” as entering.
Understand “get off/down [something]” as getting off.
Understand “get [things inside] from [something]” as removing it from.

Understand “pick up [things]” or “pick [things] up” as taking.

Understand “stand” or “stand up” as exiting.
Understand “stand on [something]” as entering.

Understand “remove [something preferably held]” as taking off.
Understand “remove [things inside] from [something]” as removing it from.

Understand “shed [something preferably held]” as taking off.
Understand the commands “doff” and “disrobe” as “shed”.

Understand “wear [something preferably held]” as wearing.
Understand the command “don” as “wear”.

Understand “put [other things] in/inside/into [something]” as inserting it into.
Understand “put [other things] on/onto [something]” as putting it on.
Understand “put on [something preferably held]” as wearing.
Understand “put [something preferably held] on” as wearing.
Understand “put down [things preferably held]” or “put [things preferably held] down” as dropping.

Understand “insert [other things] in/into [something]” as inserting it into.

Understand “drop [things preferably held]” as dropping.
Understand “drop [other things] in/into/down [something]” as inserting it into.
Understand “drop [other things] on/onto [something]” as putting it on.
Understand “drop [something preferably held] at/against [something]” as throwing it at.
Understand the commands “throw” and “discard” as “drop”.

Understand “give [something preferably held] to [someone]” as giving it to.
Understand “give [someone] [something preferably held]” as giving it to (with nouns reversed).
Understand the commands “pay” and “offer” and “feed” as “give”.

Understand “show [someone] [something preferably held]” as showing it to (with nouns reversed).
Understand “show [something preferably held] to [someone]” as showing it to.
Understand the commands “present” and “display” as “show”.

Understand “go” as going.
Understand “go [direction]” as going.
Understand “go [something]” as entering.
Understand “go into/in/inside/through [something]” as entering.
Understand the commands “walk” and “run” as “go”.

Understand “inventory” as taking inventory.
Understand the commands “i” and “inv” as “inventory”.

Understand “look” as looking.
Understand “look at [something]” as examining.
Understand “look [something]” as examining.
Understand “look inside/in/into/through [something]” as searching.
Understand “look under [something]” as looking under.
Understand “look up [text] in [something]” as consulting it about (with nouns reversed).
Understand the command “l” as “look”.

Understand “consult [something] on/about [text]” as consulting it about.

Understand “open [something]” as opening.
Understand “open [something] with [something preferably held]” as unlocking it with.
Understand the commands “unwrap”, “uncover” as “open”.

Understand “close [something]” as closing.
Understand “close up [something]” as closing.
Understand “close off [something]” as switching off.
Understand the commands “shut” and “cover” as “close”.

Understand “enter” as entering.
Understand “enter [something]” as entering.
Understand the command “cross” as “enter”.

Understand “sit on top of [something]” as entering.
Understand “sit on/in/inside [something]” as entering.

Understand “exit” as exiting.
Understand the commands “leave” and “out” as “exit”.

Understand “examine [something]” as examining.
Understand the commands “x”, “watch”, “describe” and “check” as “examine”.

Understand “read [something]” as examining.
Understand “read about [text] in [something]” as consulting it about (with nouns reversed).
Understand “read [text] in [something]” as consulting it about (with nouns reversed).

Understand “yes” as saying yes.
Understand the command “y” as “yes”.

Understand “no” as saying no.

Understand “sorry” as saying sorry.

Understand “bother” as swearing mildly.
Understand the commands “curses”, “drat” and “darn” as “bother”.
Understand “shit” as swearing obscenely.
Understand the commands “fuck” and “damn” as “shit”.

Understand “search [something]” as searching.

Understand “wave” as waving hands.

Understand “wave [something]” as waving.

Understand “set [something] to [text]” as setting it to.
Understand the command “adjust” as “set”.

Understand “pull [something]” as pulling.
Understand the command “drag” as “pull”.

Understand “push [something]” as pushing.
Understand “push [something] [direction]” or “push [something] to [direction]” as pushing it to.
Understand the commands “move”, “shift”, “clear” and “press” as “push”.

Understand “turn [something]” as turning.
Understand “turn [something] on” or “turn on [something]” as switching on.
Understand “turn [something] off” or “turn off [something]” as switching off.
Understand the commands “rotate”, “twist”, “unscrew” and “screw” as “turn”.

Understand “switch [something switched on]” as switching off.
Understand “switch [something]” or “switch on [something]” or “switch [something] on” as
switching on.
Understand “switch [something] off” or “switch off [something]” as switching off.

Understand “lock [something] with [something preferably held]” as locking it with.

Understand “unlock [something] with [something preferably held]” as unlocking it with.

Understand “attack [something]” as attacking.
Understand the commands “break”, “smash”, “hit”, “fight”, “torture”, “wreck”, “crack”, “destroy”,
“murder”, “kill”, “punch” and “thump” as “attack”.

Understand “wait” as waiting.
Understand the command “z” as “wait”.

Understand “answer [text] to [someone]” as answering it that (with nouns reversed).
Understand the commands “say”, “shout” and “speak” as “answer”.

Understand “tell [someone] about [text]” as telling it about.

Understand “ask [someone] about [text]” as asking it about.
Understand “ask [someone] for [something]” as asking it for.

Understand “eat [something preferably held]” as eating.

Understand “sleep” as sleeping.
Understand the command “nap” as “sleep”.

Understand “sing” as singing.

Understand “climb [something]” or “climb up/over [something]” as climbing.
Understand the command “scale” as “climb”.

Understand “buy [something]” as buying.
Understand the command “purchase” as “buy”.

Understand “squeeze [something]” as squeezing.
Understand the command “squash” as “squeeze”.

Understand “swing [something]” or “swing on [something]” as swinging.

Understand “wake” or “wake up” as waking up.
Understand “wake [someone]” or “wake [someone] up” or “wake up [someone]” as waking.
Understand the commands “awake” and “awaken” as “wake”.

Understand “kiss [someone]” as kissing.
Understand the commands “embrace” and “hug” as “kiss”.

Understand “think” as thinking.

Understand “smell” as smelling.
Understand “smell [something]” as smelling.
Understand the command “sniff” as “smell”.

Understand “listen” as listening.
Understand “hear [something]” as listening.
Understand “listen to [something]” as listening.

Understand “taste [something]” as tasting.

Understand “touch [something]” as touching.
Understand the command “feel” as “touch”.

Understand “rub [something]” as rubbing.
Understand the commands “shine”, “polish”, “sweep”, “clean”, “dust”, “wipe” and “scrub” as “rub”.

Understand “tie [something] to [something]” as tying it to.
Understand the commands “attach” and “fasten” as “tie”.

Understand “burn [something]” as burning.
Understand the command “light” as “burn”.

Understand “drink [something]” as drinking.
Understand the commands “swallow” and “sip” as “drink”.

Understand “cut [something]” as cutting.
Understand the commands “slice”, “prune” and “chop” as “cut”.

Understand “jump” as jumping.
Understand the commands “skip” and “hop” as “jump”.

Understand “score” as requesting the score.
Understand “quit” or “q” as quitting the game.
Understand “save” as saving the game.
Understand “restart” as restarting the game.
Understand “restore” as restoring the game.
Understand “verify” as verifying the story file.
Understand “version” as requesting the story file version.
Understand “script” or “script on” or “transcript” or “transcript on” as switching the story
transcript on.
Understand “script off” or “transcript off” as switching the story transcript off.
Understand “superbrief” or “short” as preferring abbreviated room descriptions.
Understand “verbose” or “long” as preferring unabbreviated room descriptions.
Understand “brief” or “normal” as preferring sometimes abbreviated room descriptions.
Understand “nouns” or “pronouns” as requesting the pronoun meanings.
Understand “notify” or “notify on” as switching score notification on.
Understand “notify off” as switching score notification off.

Section 2 - Game Code


Hope this helps.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions - I’ll try disabling the action in the Standard Rules - that seems easiest.

So, I’m going to hijack my own thread, so I don’t clutter up the board. Hope that’s okay.

Here’s what I’m trying to do - I have an instead rule for the verb “smell” that gives a general description of things you can smell in the room. But I also have instead rules for smelling specific things. The trouble is that the instead rule for smelling in general overrides the latter, so that if I try to smell anything in the room, I just get the general description instead of the object description.

The board’s rarely all that cluttered; it’s probably simpler to post things in new, appropriately-named threads, so that people have some idea what the conversation’s about.

And: more specific Instead rules should overrule more general ones, unless something else is going on. Could you post the relevant code?

Here’s the relevant code:

If I try to smell the fish, I get the smelling in the Frozen Waterfall description.

Aha: those conditions are about equally specific, and apparently location checks happen a little earlier in the sequence. If you do this:

instead of smelling the berries in the Frozen Waterfall...

that condition will beat the more general ‘instead of smelling in the Frozen Waterfall’, and you’ll get the desired outcome.

Another solution is to rewrite the rule for smelling in the Waterfall thus: Instead of smelling when in the Frozen Waterfall, say "The smell of fish and berries is overpowering. You need to get in that cave." Rules with a when/while clause are considered less specific than rules that constrain the noun, regardless of what conditions that when/while clause imposes!

Ah! I see now. Thanks for your help!

Yes, rules specifying a location take precedence over rules specifying a noun. (You can check this in the Rules Index, “instead” rulebook.

You want that description to be displayed whenever the player types only “smell”, right? In that case, the rule takes the form of every other rule: Instead of smelling the Frozen Waterfall, say "The smell of fish and berries is overpowering. You need to get in that cave." This is because the smelling action always takes a noun, and so the nounless command is internally converted into a smelling [the location] action.

Good to know. I’ll keep that in mind in future.
