Tagfest 2024: Suggested tag consolidations

Just wanted to say that I’ve deleted some incorrect tags, including several that were enclosed by quote marks. I’ve consolidated decades, so that 1980’s has been changed to 1980s.

I’ll edit this post to list any other changes I make, and am happy to reverse any changes if preferred!

Removed “game source NOT actually available” from The Sound of One Hand Clapping - Details, as I found the source easily available from download links.

Removed ‘female protagonist’ and ‘not actually a female protagonist my heterosexist friend’ from this game: Sycamora Tree - Details. Keeping ‘male protagonist’ as the game says you are a ‘muscular masseur’.

Removed ‘not actually commercial’ from this game: Alantros Survival - Details which only seems to exist in downloadable APKs and doesn’t show signs of ever being commercial.

Removed both ‘historical’ and ‘not actually historical’ from this game: Commander - Details as the other states it is not historical and the countries do seem made up.

Removed ‘not IF’ tag from Emoji game - Details, which is a twine game consisting solely of emojis.

Removed ‘not IF’ tag from Space Invaders - Details and changed genre to ‘abuses’, which is what has been done before for games that use IF parsers for real-time games.

Removed ‘not interactive fiction’ from What-IF? - Details, which is a small choice-based game without branching written in Inform.

Removed ‘not so bad its good’ from Bitten by a werewolf - Details, as it seems kind of mean-spirited and better suited for a review than a tag.

Removed ‘twine’ and ‘not twine’, ‘game does exist’ and ‘game doesn’t exist’ from this erotic harry potter AO3 html CYOA fanfic: Triwizard Choices - Details

Removed ‘not interactive fiction’ from an Inform game that plays itself: Magic Travels - Details

Removed ‘not interactive fiction’ from Sweet Dreams by Papillon, an early example of using an RPG engine for IF which has been more popular recently: Sweet Dreams - Details

Removed ‘not interactive fiction’ from this collection of short poems accessed by Inform: Words Get Twisted Round and Tumble Down - Details

Removed ‘not interactive fiction’ from Ajiaco. This game no longer exists but internet archive has source download. Compiling shows it’s just an image-heavy but traditional Twine game. Ajiaco - Details

Removed ‘not interactive fiction’ from Sun and Moon which was a multi-page ARG with puzzles Sun And Moon - Details

Remove ‘not interactive fiction’ from Hugo Tetris, but left the ‘abuse’ genre Tetris - Details (I wouldn’t mind putting the not interactive fiction tag back here but I don’t think it’s useful)

Removed ‘not interactive fiction’ from a text-based racing game using ascii art: ZRacer - Details

Overall, for the three graphical ‘engine abuse’ games I removed the tag from, I’d be happy to return it if it’s useful, but I worry about having the tag out there as people seem to like to use it sometimes to be mean, and the genre field seems like a better place to categorize such games. Feel free to add it back or request me to do so!

Removed ‘bad taste’ from following games:
You Will Select a Decision
Zigamus: Zombies at Vigamus
Let’s Go Eat
Fat Fair
It’s Your First Day At A New High School. Can You Become Popular?
Can You Survive The Great Journey Out West?
Attack Of The Flying Saucer (Gamebook, CYOA)

Deleted 'apparently doesn’t exist anywhere so why is it here? ’ from this game which does appear to be there: Gourmet Gaffe - Details

Deleted ‘are fun’ tag which seemed to be an attempt to say ‘mazes are fun’ but failed due to alphabetical order: Amazing Cave Adventure or How come the IF community hates mazes so much? - Details

Deleted numerous tags which seemed to be an attempt to spell something from Tale of the Starweavers - Details. Deleted tags include ‘and’, ‘best’, ‘frequently’ and ‘updated’ (but keeping ‘frequently updated’), ‘you’, ‘the’, ‘tale’, ‘of’, ‘own’, ‘new’, ‘most’, ‘alignment’ and ‘choice’ replaced with ‘alignment choice’, ‘play’, ‘playing’. More should probably be deleted (especially the many near-duplicates) but I’m not sure.

From What Lies Around the Corner - Details, deleted ‘a’, ‘by’, ‘game’, ‘of’, ‘own’, ‘your’, ‘what’, ‘written’, ‘story’, ‘the’

Deleted ‘thankyou’ from Tlaotl - Details

Deleted ’ Monster Rally (https://web.archive.org/web/20090217124344/http://www.pacificsites.com/~ccrayne/charles.html)’ from Monster Rally - Details

Deleted ‘new’ from Monk by the Sea - Details


Removed ‘game doesn’t exist’ and ‘game does exist’ from Starship Fabulous.

Changed ‘activeNPCs’ to ‘active NPCs’ on Koustrea’s Contentment.

Changed ‘adaption’ to ‘adaptation’ for The Tower of the Elephant, HIde a Pachyderm, Alice Falling, The Saga of Oedipus Rex, Bitsy Orpheus, and both Manalive games.


Is z-machine v3 the same thing as z3?

Brian, the source in the archives are the ones of the interpreter, NOT of the story file…

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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In that case, I will remove the ‘source available’ tag rather than put back the ‘source not actually availabe tag’.

Thanks for your comment! That’s why I wanted to publicly record these actions, both to keep a record for reversing things and to make sure no errors are made.

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Well this is now a sentence that I have read.



You don’t seem to be having any difficulty finding tags to correct, but if you want suggestions…


Ah, thanks, I forgot about that post. @EJoyce, if you have that list of typo or obviously bad ones, I’d love to see it! I’ll hold off at least a bit on merging in case one of the longterm solutions in this thread affects that.


Sure! I’ll send you a private message with the stuff I’ve found.

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I don’t know if this has been said, but yes…

Also, maybe combining “real-time” and “realtime”?

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Yes. Same for the others (Z4, Z5, Z6, Z8; I’m not sure if there are any extant, publicly-available games in Z2 or Z7, and I’m not sure if there are any extant games at all in Z1).


there’s around Zork I r2 and r5, that is, two .z1 story files, and also are around Zork I r15 and Zork II r7, two .z2 story files…

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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Looks like someone managed to…


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Now that alphabetical sort is live on the “all tags” page, I’ve noticed a bunch of number-based tags that could be removed/consolidated.

Individual years—suggest removal:

  • 1900 (1)
  • 1920 (1)
  • 2010 (1)
  • 2019 (1)
  • 2012 (6) (the six games with this tag are variously set in 2012 or were released in 2012, so it doesn’t seem very useful)
  • 3016 (1) (I think this is referring to a year?)

EDIT: missed before that Hidnook already covered these!

Abbreviated decades (90s) should be consolidated with full decades (1990s):


More progress on tags.

I’ve opened three new PRs:

I tentatively think I want to close my earlier PR without merging it.


These changes are live now. You’ll see the new autocomplete feature when you go to add a tag.


Amazing, thanks for your work on this, Dan!


Thanks to Dan’s help, I’m going to get started on consolidating.

My current plan is to work my way through suggestions above, listing my actions here. I will do my best to not make errors, but I’m willing to take the time to go through games and put tags back in manually if I do something wrong on accident (which I don’t think is likely). I’ll update this post with mass tag changes I do.

Added: ‘Single room’ to ‘one room’ and ‘one-room’
Deleted: ‘one room’ and ‘one-room’
Blocked: ‘one room’ and ‘one-room’

Deleted: ‘Adventuron source code available’ (all such games were already tagged ‘Adventuron source available’)
Blocked: Blocked ‘Adventuron source code available’

From now on, I’ll simplify things by saying ‘merged A into B’ to mean I bulk-added ‘B’ to games tagged ‘A’ and bulk-deleted ‘A’, while blocking ‘A’.

Merged Basic Source Code to Basic Source Available.

Merged I7 Source Code into I7 Source Available.

Merged Literary Adaption into Literary Adaptation

Merged ‘long form’ and ‘long’ into ‘long-form’.

Merged ‘parser choice hybrid’ into ‘parser-choice hybrid’.

Merged ‘point-n-click’, ‘point-and-click-adventure’, and ‘point-and-click’ into ‘point and click’.

Merged ‘real time’ and ‘realtime’ into ‘real-time’. (I realize this is the opposite of the previous merger with regard to hyphens, but I’m following the most predominate usage in each case).

Merged ‘science fiction’, ‘science-fiction’, ‘sciencefiction’, ‘scifi’, ‘sci fi’, ‘sci-fi’ into ‘science fiction’.

Merged ‘second-person’ to ‘second person’ (both of these tags are amusing, considering there are several thousand games that are second person and only 267 have been tagged).

Merged ‘slice-of-life’ into ‘slice of life’.

Merged ‘source’, ‘source code’, and ‘source code available’ into ‘source available’.

Merged ‘twine source code available’ into ‘twine source available’

Merged ‘very short’ into ‘very brief’.

Added ‘source available’ to every game with tags in otis’s list (no deletions)

Merged ‘ai’ into ‘artificial intelligence’ (did not merge ‘ai content’ as ‘artificial intelligence’ refers to many games that feature a fake ‘ai’ character like GladOS).

Merged ‘animations’ into ‘animation’.

Merged ‘apocalyptic’ and ‘end of the world’ into ‘apocalypse’

Merged ‘autobiography’ into ‘autobiographical’

Merged ‘book adaptation’ into ‘based on book’

Deleted ‘up’ and ‘growing’ from the game ‘growing up’ (kept ‘growing up’.

Merged ‘breaking up’ into ‘breakup’.

Merged ‘post apocalyptic’ and ‘post-apocalypse’ into ‘post-apocalyptic’

Merged ‘child main character’ into ‘child protagonist’.

Merged ‘choice based’ into ‘choice-based’ (with only 33 games in both categories, this tag is woefully underrepresentative and maybe not useful?)

Merged ‘choose your own adventure’ and ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ into ‘cyoa’ (maybe merged choice-based into this? it has almost 800 games)

Merged ‘cosy’ into ‘cozy’.

Merged ‘covid’ into ‘covid-19’.

Merged ‘dreaming’ and ‘dream’ into ‘dreams’ (there are some edge cases where a single ‘dream’ is preferrable over ‘dreams’ for accuracy, but if one is searching for dream-related games, surely such niceties aren’t as important as serving up all dream games at once).

Merged ‘dungeons & dragons’, ‘dungeons and dragons’, and ‘dnd’ into ‘d&d’.

Merged ‘dystopian’ into ‘dystopia’.

Merged ‘escape game’ into ‘escape’. Merged ‘escape the room’, ‘escape-the-room’, and ‘room escape’ into ‘escape room’. Didn’t merge the two groups as the first includes larger games and the second smaller.

Merged ‘faery’, ‘faerie’, ‘fairy’ into ‘fairies’. I’ll leave ‘fae’ alone as it has a slightly different shade of meaning but I’d be happy to merge it if even one person asks.

Merged ‘fairy tales’, ‘fairytale’ into ‘fairy tale’.

Merged ‘fey’ into ‘fae’.

Merged ‘family friendly’ into ‘family-friendly’.

Merged ‘fanfic’ and ‘fanfiction’ into ‘fan fiction’.

Merged ‘fangame’ into ‘fan game’.

Merged ‘woman protagonist’ and ‘female-protagonist’ into ‘female protagonist’. Left ‘female protagonists’ alone as the plural seems useful, but added ‘female protagonist’ to games that lacked it.

Merged ‘gender neutral protagonist’ into ‘gender-neutral protagonist’

Merged ‘humour’, ‘humorous’ into ‘humor’ (sorry non-americans, going off number of tags here)

Merged ‘illustrated’ into ‘illustrations’

Merged ‘math’ and ‘maths’ into ‘mathematics’.

Merged ‘mobile-friendly’ into ‘mobile friendly’

Merged ‘neo twiny jam’ into ‘neo-twiny jam’

Merged ‘folk’, ‘folktale’, ‘folk story’ and ‘folk stories’ into ‘folk tale’.

Merged ‘non-fiction’ into ‘nonfiction’.

Merged ‘office work’, ‘office setting’ into ‘office’

Merged ‘one turn’, ‘one-move’ into ‘one move’

Merged ‘procedural’, ‘procedural text generation’, ‘procgen’ into ‘procedural generation’

Merged ‘short game’, ‘short games’, ‘short if’ and ‘short length’ into ‘short’.

Merged ‘sub-q’, ‘subq’ into ‘sub-q magazine’. The ‘sub-q-sub-q-magazine’ game has glitched tags: A Tragedy Of Manners - Details

Whew! I’ll pick up more later.


Are you getting an error message?


Yes. It says ‘There was an error blocking the tag’. This doesn’t show up in dev.ifdb.org. I specifically tried blocking ‘Adventuron Source Code Available’. Trying to block ‘sci fi’ gives a different message, saying I need to mass delete it first, so the ‘error blocking the tag’ only shows up for blocking tags that no longer have any games attached.

My guess is it will probably be something simple, but I’m just reporting it to make the issue easier to find.

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oops! I forgot to run a schema change in production. Try it now!