Tachyon Dreams II: Free new EGA text parser adventure game (Space Quest Homage)

For old-school Space Quest fans, Cosmic Void has just released a second title in the Tachyon Dreams series, Tachyon Dreams II: The Bloated Can of Space Root Beer.

Dodger’s escapades continue in this FREE comedic sci-fi text-parser adventure game:

The adventures of Dodger through space and time continue! Previously a dish washer (person, not a machine!) onboard Space Station Penrose, Dodger must travel the space-time continuum and inter-dimensional highways to save the universe from the Tgorodians, a bunch of of time-travelling thugs in search of the fabled Garden World!

This is the exciting second chapter in a series of short sci-fi comedic text-parser adventure games with EGA graphics that will look and feel very much like the mid/late 80’s adventure games by Sierra. Think early Space Quest games. Think AGI.


Text parser! Type your commands!
Colorful, low-res, pixel-wide, EGA graphics!
Humor! It’s joky!
Travel through space and time!
Play as a dish washer! In a whole other world!

Get it for free here:

Also, if you haven’t played it already, I recommend the free original in this series, Tachyon Dreams I: The Radiant Fish of the Apocalypse.

You’re Dodger, a dish washer (a person, not a machine!) onboard Space Station Penrose, where temporal experiments are being conducted. One of them is about to go very wrong… Only you can save the fate of the timeline itself! With your, you know, stellar dishwashing skills an’ all that!

This is the first chapter in what I hope will be a series of humorous, text-parser games with EGA graphics that will look and feel very much like the mid/late 80’s adventure games by Sierra. Think early Space Quest games. Think AGI.

Each chapter is going to be pretty short, perhaps 30-45 minutes of gameplay. But with your support if you enjoy the games and choose to donate and support me, they can become bigger and be released more frequently.


Text parser! Type your commands!
Colorful, low-res, pixel-wide, EGA graphics!
Time travel!
Play as a dish washer! Onboard a space station!

Also free to play here: