I’ve been experimenting with the appearance of my stories and macros but I just faced a problem.
I used this link to try some macros and styles and everything seems to be working on the website but when I download it and copy paste everything things doesn’t work.
Here’s the problem, I’m mixing painted style with speech box to have this kind of effect :
If you can supply the whole CSS for your speech box, that would be very useful. At the moment all I can say from your screenshot is that --frame-image is being overridden by some other style, which is why it is crossed out.
There appear to be a whole bunch of errors going on here:
assets.css is being loaded halfway down the stylesheet, but it contains @font-face declarations which have to come first.
assets.css has a selector :root, ::before, ::after which appears to be invalid, which means that the frame image and mask image never get loaded.
The rest of the CSS constantly refers to -mask-image (and other -mask) properties, but those aren’t valid, they shouldn’t have the - in front of them, so those rules are invalid. The same rules define -webkit-mask properties which will work in Chrome but not Firefox, which might be why you managed to test them earlier (if you switched browsers).
I put assets.css first as you said then figured that if i delete the :root, ::before, ::after, the image is well loaded but without the “paint” effect that you can see on the screen.
So I guess it’s the problem.
About browsers i’m on Opera and the thing work if i touch it on the link I provided but not when I download it and open the file it gives me (or import it on twine). (I forgot to mention I added the paper background and the notify macro if it matters )
What should I do about the :root and the -mask things ? If the code is too fucked up or if it’s too complicated just tell me it’s fine, i’ll figure out later or give up, my life doesn’t depend on it
Take out the dash (-) before all the -mask properties. The - makes them invalid and thus ignored. They should be referred to exactly as they’re named in the CSS documentation.
The ::before and ::after pseudo-elements here are meant to be attached to a certain element selector, so like a::before (which will render something before every <a> (hyperlink) element) or something. Currently they are just hanging out alone, before or after nothing. This means that this whole section below is invalid and thus ignored.
Any CSS properties that start with -webkit work in Google Chrome and Chromium browsers (ie most browsers including Opera), but not Firefox. Because your -webkit attributes are written correctly, that means those styles work in the Chromium browsers. However, since Firefox is only using the -mask-image et al properties which are, as aforementioned, invalid and thus ignored, those styles don’t work in Firefox.
Honestly I’m not sure you even need to keep the -webkit-mask properties, since mask-image etc works the same way across all current browsers.
Thanks ! Things seems to work a bit better but now the problem is it actually doesn’t work until I unclick then click again the frame parameter in dev-tool
When I do that everything works perfectly… Dev doesn’t make sense (i know it does when correctly done)
Thanks for the explanation tho !