Six is online anew, now with sounds and music

Thanks to @mathbrush and his BisQuixe interpreter, people can finally play Six online with all the sounds and music! Thanks Brian for dragging the technology screaming into the present.

“Your name is Harriet Leitner, and you and your twin sister Demi turned six this morning! You’re having a fancy dress birthday party, and this afternoon you’ll be playing Hide and Seek Tip over in the park. You can’t wait to catch all your friends.”

There’s also fun with some graphics, the map and the manual.

Please enjoy, and I hope it can give your 2024 a lift.



This override seems to make the game appear as intended in Gargoyle:

stylehint      1
mincols       71

It always worked in Gargoyle. That’s playing offline. i.e. Downloading it and then requiring no internet connection.

The issue was that it was never playable in a web browser without losing all the audio features.
