Yooooo the first parser of the jam!
I’m glad we at least have one every time. Thanks Joey!!
Can you take a failing enterprise and make it prosper again, in a world where vomit is a valuable consumer good?
Vomit Economy is a resource management parser, where you take over your uncle’s factory creating gallons of vomit (why? don’t worry about it), and try to balance the profits and expenses, improve the recipe, and grow the company. Last as long as you can, through the ups and downs of the economy, and the emerging competition. Make your uncle proud?
So, will you be able to be up to the task?
The answer is definitely a no for me. Not for more than a year at least. I could stroll through a few quarters without switching things around, but as soon as passed the first year, I went full bankrupt. I don’t know whether I messed up the first few quarters or just didn’t get the recipe… The game is TOUGH!
In terms of gameplay, the input is limited to 3 commands (examine, set [to change production/characteristics], and advance), to influence a few dozens of elements in the factory: management, the formulation of the vomit recipe, the capacity of production, employee benefits, and marketing.
Trying to balance everything is pretty fun, even if tough, especially if you are into min/max-ing and resource management. However, because there is so much listed on the screen, you end up spending half the time scrolling up and down to check information and setting it to new levels…
I still haven’t figured out the perfect recipe tho…
It would have fitted so well in the Orifice Jam