Right, I forgot I was going to enter this. Stupid question: Theoretically if you were to use a song to some degree in a non-comp project, is that allowed? (Say I picked “The Fox” – don’t worry, it’s just an example – and then I wanted to plop “The Fox” into a WIP of mine for some bizarre reason, would that be allowed?)
I see no possible reason why anybody might object to you doing so.
Hey guys, how lynched would I be if I picked out a Homestuck song for this? I realize I got a couple reserve song slots open and I’m trying to fill them up with songs on Bandcamp.
doo eet. If I end up with ‘Doctor’ it will have a very high chance of getting picked.
This is a non-lynching event.
Wednesday will be the last day of signups. (You can still join in afterwards, but your songs will be much less likely to get used.)
(Up to 41 intents, and probably a handful yet to come.)
Dang. Anyone know what the record is for games in an IF competition?
The official IFComp record appears to be 53 in 2000.
I have no expectation of all of those resulting in games. Two-thirds if we’re lucky, half if we’re not - so I’d guess 20-30 games by the end of it.
Fair enough. (I think I’ve signed up for SpringThing 3 times now and punked out every time, so I can’t criticize.)
Well, what’s the worst that could happen? Count me in.
… ah. A tornado of laser sharks covered in bees, apparently.
I think that was one of my songs!
Up to 48. Um. You people realise that you may have to make some games, right? You’re not just using me as IF Community Pandora?
Count me in.
Oh yes. Chomping at the bit over here.
Also a modest proposal for a Golden Banana-esque award for the participant who has the most songs chosen by other people.
Nothin’ like that.
It’s more like, you’re our IF Community Napster. [emote]:lol:[/emote]
…nobody told me that part…
I can offer you a parentally-toned ‘we’ll see’.
Fair enough! [emote]:)[/emote]