ShuffleComp Results / Unmasking

I was “A lost kitten”.

Yo era “Summer del Mono”.

I would like to put out an expanded release at some point. Probably before the complete version of Compliance (which yes, it is going to happen, eventually! The music’s done!)

I was hiding behind “Tin Foil Jenny.” “Sequitur” was my first published game. I’ll try to clear up some story elements in a second release, especially what to do at the end. My beta testers were stung by so many bugs along the way that they never actually reached the conclusion, so i had know idea how it would play out in other players’ minds.


I was the opposite of sublimation, behind “Monkey and Bear”.

This was… kind of exhausting to write. I meant for it to be a small, throw-away size thing, maybe a little larger than speedIF size, but it got out of control.

I’m glad people found my game commendation-worthy!

Anyone have good ideas about how to better cue the puzzle solution for the campsite? I never got this to work out - almost everyone I’m aware of used the walkthrough. Suggestions welcomed in PM.

I was Robert Whitlock, author of Look Around the Corner. If I’d had more time I’d have a post-comp release and write-up ready to post, but as it was I didn’t even get to finish playing all the games! Soon, though (for both).

I appreciate the intentions behind the rule discouraging negative reviews, but personally I would be very curious to hear people’s negative feedback about my game, either publicly or privately. For the post-comp release, I don’t plan to make any substantive changes to what was essentially a speed-IF for me, though I will certainly fix any bugs you ran into; mainly I’m just curious what people’s experiences were-- even if it was just a big “meh” (which I would still regard as a success given my half-assery).

Thanks everyone for the great games (and great songs)! I was super impressed at not just the overall quality but the number of highly ambitious works that resulted from this comp.

I got it!

I went through a few repetitions, said “Wait a minute this can’t be how it’s supposed to go,” tried staying awake past the monkey because that had been cued, and then it seemed like the passage between the trees was the only thing to do anything with. I had more trouble with what to do in the water – only got it in the end through my inventory, though it probably would’ve helped if I knew the song.

OK, that’s not actually helpful feedback.

Also, did you list yourself as a beta tester? Sneaky.

I did Cryptophasia. I have added a chiptune soundtrack for a post-comp release at some point, as well as some new content. Thanks to everyone who played and reviewed it.

Only because maga suggested it!

Second that. I’m amazed by how many people entered and how much enthusiasm everyone had. Very different in the end than a speedIF - I think the recommended polish time made a big difference.

Hear, hear!

I did not need a walkthrough, fwiw. (Also, totally would have voted/reviewed for this if I’d had time to play it before the deadline. Really liked it.)

I did have trouble, but for a bug-related reason

I knew I needed to leave without the monkey, but going west had some message as if the monkey was awake (even though the messages said he was fast asleep). More helpful messages on “wrong direction” for that bit would have led me to get it, I think.

I wrote Histroy Gloam’s Fallout Shelter.

Oh, thank you!

Oops. Sorry about that, and thank you for the headsup.

I was Lambert Lambert, writer of “Eight Miles High”.

Not surprised it didn’t receive any recommendation; I wouldn’t have. It was my first time using I7 in years, and I specifically wanted to try out the extensions to create hyperlink-based play.

Long story short, I had a lot to learn/relearn on I7 and I took forever to decide how to get started and what song to use. The hyperlink extensions themselves were easy to author with, but they totally screwed me over in publishing due to bugs in one of the libraries preventing it from working in web-based play. I’d hoped for essentially a more powerful Twine substitute, but instead I got locked out of web-based play entirely. Oops!

Folks, I’m about to reveal a hat trick: I was Elizabeth Jones (author of The Legend of Wooley Swamp) and Bramble Bobonong (author of Out the Window) and Amadeo Voss (author of Fallout Shelter: Amadeo Voss edition). I didn’t see very many reviews of my games, so if you have any comments about them, by all means tell me about them, because I’m looking for things to fix/change in the post-comp releases.

Ooh, question! Will the full list of songs be released?

Working on it as we speak.

And here is the full list. I have some more waffling about songs I liked and stuff like that over at the blog.

Healy, I really want to see The Legend of Wooley Swamp expanded. I’m a sucker for back country spooky stories, and was sad to realize that the website was mostly just informational for now. The other games were cute, but Wooley Swamp is the one that I can see being really promising once it comes out of its larval form.

Many of you may be interested in this practically complete youtube playlist of 350 of the Shufflecomp songs.

For those interested, I’ve posted a brief discussion of the songs I received in the Shufflecomp.