Seeking testers for Spring Thing wordplay puzzle game

I’ve finally verified that my Spring Thing game, Retool Looter, is completable, and thus it’s time to let someone that doesn’t know the solutions do some testing!

It’s a bit of a throwback to some of the most well-known Espionage IF—its two biggest influences are Spider & Web and Counterfeit Monkey. It’s the first game of mine that is unambiguously NOT horror. It’s written in Inform 7 using Bisquixe, and I expect it to take between 45 minutes and an hour and a half to complete a normal playthrough. I’m hoping to get a first round of testing done this week, and with any luck one or two more rounds on fixed builds before the Spring Thing deadline. The game has a built-in hint system, but given that’s one of the things that needs to be tested I will also make myself available to provide hints as needed.

If you’re interested in testing, PM me! Thanks in advance!