Seeking testers for 'Search for the Lost Ark'

I started writing this game earlier in the year with the intention of entering it in the Text Adventure Literacy Jam, but realised it was not really suitable for beginners and would have been hard to write a tutorial, so I put it aside and wrote a different game. I have now returned to this for ParserComp and it’s almost ready for testing.

Without giving too much away, it’s a quest to find a famous religious artifact in a region of France some years after WWI. I have done a lot of research into the religious aspects of the game, including history, church architecture, Catholic customs, Biblical references and so on. You can also expect a lot of Biblical jokes and puns, but nothing disrespectful. You do not need to be a religious person to play the game, as everything you need to know is contained within the game. The player character is something like a cross between Indiana Jones and a young Father Brown.

This is a Z-code game, so you will need a Z-code interpreter to play it. I imagine that it would take about an hour to play, but a few hours to test it thoroughly.

If you would like to test the game, please send me a personal message and I’ll send you the download link and password. I expect these to be available in the next day or so.

Entries for ParserComp close on 30 June 2023, so I would need to get feedback by at least 23 June 2023.

EDIT: It’s now ready for testing if anyone’s interested. I’ve sent details to those that have already expressed interest. Thank you.




Garry, if you still need more, I can commit to a “I’ll-see-what-I-can-find-time-for”…

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