Seeking participants for understanding IF design decisions

Hi everyone,

I am a PhD student working as an intern in Autodesk Research . In this internship I am working on developing an intelligent interactive visualization tool to help author an interactive fiction and visualize differences between the different parallel worlds created to make richer narratives.

To make this visualization tool we wish to understand the design decisions an Interactive Fiction author takes and wish to employ these into our visualization system.

We are thus looking for authors who have experience in doing so.

The study will consist of a casual interview over Zoom which will last ~30-45 mins.

Interested candidates can send fill out this form expressing their interest. If selected, we will reach out to you via email -

Your data will be anonymized.

You will be given a gift card of 75 USD (or equivalent in your local currency) as a token of appreciation for your time and efforts.

Feel free to reach out with questions on the link below.

Thank you


Hello. Sounds interesting. Is this the same study as recently posted. Something similar with a design visualization system. I can’t remember exactly. Or is this something completely different?


visualize differences between the different parallel worlds created to make richer narratives.

Can you elaborate on this, or is this all part of the study.

best of luck.

Yes its the same study.
The intention is to see if interactive fiction authors find seeing differences between different storylines in terms of moods or themes or characters or tones useful. If so how can they use these visual cues to author richer narratives.
If you are interested please sign up on this link -
We will reach out to you with a confirmation.
Thank you

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