Seeking exactly one (1) "approver" for a VERY APLHA version of a WIP [found!]

EDIT: FOUND! Thanks, I won’t need any more just yet. I’ll be back in a few months or so.

Hi potential betatesters - I am in need of literally one betatester. The problem is, there are some things I need to point out about the game I am looking for some comments on:

  • sort-of limited parser but requires a lot of focus (maybe not yet, but will in the final product at least)
  • genre is horror but mostly the horror hasn’t been implemented yet
  • some of the scenes can induce stress, but only because the concept of the game requires a lot of visible moving parts
  • mild and infrequent swearing
  • needs to be kept very very secret

oh, and most importantly:

  • It’s a really alpha version, since it’s going or IFComp 2025 or even 2026. So this product is just for an idea of whether it’s good or bad, some other ideas, and general what I like and don’t like so I can have an idea of where to go next. Be ready to put on your nasty gloves to nitpick everything you think is wrong.

Oh, yeah, and I’ll be calling for specifically you again on you in any time from 3 months to a year. So, you really have to be committed.



I can’t help (perhaps two 'comp WIP is too much ?) but I fully approve your initiative. The first ßtesting (actually an alpha…) of Isekai has helped much (and there’s many narrative peculiarities…) leading to a marked improvement in development.

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.


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