Seeking beta-testers for a Twine Spring Thing entry Pass A Bill

Hi all! Good to be back on here, I feel like it’s been a while for me. You might know me from my games Hercules! and A Walk Around the Neighborhood.

I recognize it’s cutting it a little close, but I’m looking for a few beta-testers for a short Twine game I’ve been cleaning up for Spring Thing called “Pass A Bill”. It’s a political simulation parody/thriller where your goal is to pass a bill into law. I started it a while ago but have been polishing it for a competition early this year.

Should be pretty short, maybe 45 min of play time? Would hope to get feedback within a week in a half to two weeks (though the shorter the better) so that I can make any changes necessary before the deadline to release. DM me if you’d like to test and I’ll send you the link privately. Thank you so much in advance!


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