Seedcomp! Voting Extension - Until April 4th!

As a courtesy for SpringThing participants, whose submission deadline falls just after our original date to send the voting period, we have decided to add a few extra days to the voting period, so they (and everyone else) have a bit more time to try out the SeedComp! games without worrying about deadlines!

You can now vote until Tuesday April 4th midnight Honolulu Time.

You can find the Voting Form here !
Play the SeedComp! entries here .
Find the Excel Sheet with all Seeds and Games listed here ,


Appreciated, thank you!


I suck at timezones.

So, if it helps, that translates to:

3am, April 5th US Pacific time
6am, April 5th US Eastern time
11am, April 5th London time (Greenwich Mean)
Noon, April 5th in Central European Summer Time (Paris, etc.)
1pm, April 5th in Moscow
3:30pm, April 5th in New Delhi
6pm, April 5th in Perth, Australia
9pm, April 5th in Sydney, Australia
11pm, April 5th in Auckland, New Zealand

I’m sure I somehow disgruntled someone by leaving somewhere out or getting some detail wrong. My apologies in advance.


Just a thought, especially since this is a new comp to help keep it going with repeat entrants, it’d be really lovely if people would consider leaving a short comment on games they’ve played. Some of them don’t have any comments at all yet on itch which can get demotivating. I’ve been trying to leave comments as I go along but am flat out at the moment (and often not great at parser, some games can take me a while) so may not get to them all. Would be lovely if all the games had at least one comment on them :slight_smile:


Oh, thank you!
Comments are really lovely indeed!